Modernization of two cycles (MA, BA) of competence-based curricula in Material Engineering according to the best experience of Bologna Process P12 –Magnitogorsk.


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Presentation transcript:

Modernization of two cycles (MA, BA) of competence-based curricula in Material Engineering according to the best experience of Bologna Process P12 –Magnitogorsk State Technical University named after G.I. Nosov Alexey Korchunov Foundry and Materials Science Department

2 KU Leuven – Campus De Nayer, March, 2014 Magnitogorsk State Technical University named after G.I. Nosov: fact and figures Founded in 1934 as Magnitogorsk Institute of Mining and Metallurgy More then students More then 1200 staff members Work according to the principles of ISO and IQNET

3 KU Leuven – Campus De Nayer, March, 2014 Distribution: 5 Specialist's Degree 31 Bachelor's Degree 16 Master's Degree 27 Postgraduate Degree educational programs Magnitogorsk State Technical University named after G.I. Nosov: fact and figures

4 KU Leuven – Campus De Nayer, March, Branches8 Institutes2 Faculties University structure Metallurgy, Mechanical Engineering and Materials Processing Power Engineering and Automated Systems Economics and Management Mining Engineering and Transport Civil Engineering, Architecture and Arts Scientific research Institute of nanosteels Standardization, Chemistry and Bioengineering Faculty Standardization, Chemistry and Bioengineering Faculty Extra-Mural Studies Pre-University Education Additional Vocational Education and HR Engineering Office in Beloretsk Multiple-Discipline College

5 KU Leuven – Campus De Nayer, March, 2014 Faculty/department involved. Metallurgy, Mechanical Engineering and Materials Processing Institute Foundry and Materials Science Department Mechanical and Metallurgical Process Engineering Department Metal Forming Department

6 KU Leuven – Campus De Nayer, March, 2014

7 Stakeholders interested in the project outcomes/activities:

8 KU Leuven – Campus De Nayer, March, 2014 Local project team. Evgenii ShekunovAlexey KorchunovNatalia KoptsevaMarina PolyakovaDmitrii Chukin

9 KU Leuven – Campus De Nayer, March, 2014 Contacts. Natalia Koptseva Contact/ coordinator tempus MMATENG Foundry and Materials Science Department Lenin Street 38, Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk region, Russia, Tel: +7 (3519) mob.: Alexey Korchunov Vice-Rector for International Affairs Lenin Street 38, Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk region, Russia, Tel: +7 (3519) mob.: