I NTRODUCTION Topic Breast Cancer History Discovery of breast cancer Ancient Egyptians The first recorded case Thesis Statement Breast Cancer is a multi dynamic disease.
W HAT IS B REAST C ANCER ? What is breast cancer? Different types of tumors What are the main things in common Normal cells in the body What happens when we cut ourselves Cancerous cells in the breast How a bump forms
W HO GETS IT ? W HAT ARE THE RISK FACTORS ? Who gets breast cancer? Men and women What are the risk factors? Great risk of getting breast cancer What causes breast cancer? Health and lifestyle
S YMPTOMS AND D IAGNOSIS Breast Awareness Cancer screening program Five point plan for breast awareness Symptoms Changes in the breast Lumps
P SYCHOLOGICAL IMPACT First reactions When they are told about having breast cancer How do people cope with breast cancer How can they get used to it
T HE ROLE OF FAMILY, FRIENDS AND HEALTH PROFESSIONALS Healthcare How can the healthcare staff help cancer patients Friends and relatives How can they help
W HAT ARE THE TREATMENT OPTIONS ? Treatments options Surgery Radiotherapy Chemotherapy Hormonal therapy Immunotherapy
E ARLY D ETECTION Breast screening Women in UK Early Detection Breast cancer screening tests Mammograms What is mammogram?
B REAST CANCER AND P REGNANCY Pregnancy How does breast cancer affect pregnancy treatment that should be offered Breastfeeding
H OW DOES IT FEEL TO LIVE WITH BREAST CANCER ? Women Women and their partners Professional help
C OMPLEMENTARY THERAPIES AND DIET Alternative therapies Chinese medicine Diet and Cancer What food to eat and what food to avoid
C ONCLUSION In conclusion, breast cancer is a very severe illness. Many men and women should start taking it more sincerely. Women should go for a check up at least every three years to prevent getting breast cancer or any other cancer. There are many organizations that can help a woman get her early detection test. Breast cancer can spread more quickly if left and not cared about. If you were already diagnosed with cancer, do not stop believing that you will be okay someday. No women should be ashamed to go and have an early detection test for her breast. No one wants to get a life threatening illness.
W ORK C ITED MD, Dr Ananya Mandal. "History of Breast Cancer." History of Breast Cancer. News Medical, 8 Mar Web. 09 Mar "Who Discovered Breast Cancer?" RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Mar Ogden, Joy. Understanding Breast Cancer. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, Questia. Web. 19 Feb