Biology, Health and Environmental Education may differ in different countries, even among European countries. Project objectives Our project aims to analyse such possible differences (and associate them to controlled parameters: gender, social context, religion) and to understand better how Biology, Health and Environmental Education can promote a better citizenship, including their affective and social dimensions. It is expected that this understanding may clarify the relevant challenges that the European Education Systems have to face to maximise their efficiency in order to reinforce a knowledge based society. Biology, health and environmental education for better citizenship - BIOHEAD-CITIZEN - Biology, health and environmental education for better citizenship - BIOHEAD-CITIZEN - STREP CIT2-CT
5 EU old member states: Portugal, France, Germany, Italy, UK 6 EU new member states: Cyprus, Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania, Malta, Poland 1 EU candidate country: Romania 6 third countries, INCO: Lebanon, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Mozambique, Senegal Project composition Biology, health and environmental education for better citizenship - BIOHEAD-CITIZEN - Biology, health and environmental education for better citizenship - BIOHEAD-CITIZEN - STREP CIT2-CT
P1P1 P3P3 P2P2 P4P4 P5P5 P6P6 P9P9 P7P7 P8P8 P 20 P 18 P 17 P 16 P 19 P 15 P 14 P 10 P 13 P 12 P 11 Coordinator group: Cooperative group: Applicant group: general project coordination preparation of research instruments instrum. adapt & application general data analysis project progress monitoring project deliverables collaboration in preparation of research instruments technical & scientific support instrum. adaptation & application instruments adaptation & application Biology, health and environmental education for better citizenship - BIOHEAD-CITIZEN - Biology, health and environmental education for better citizenship - BIOHEAD-CITIZEN - STREP CIT2-CT
Two main approaches: Analysis of syllabi and textbooks on selected topics of Biology, Health and Environmental Education Teachers’ and trainee teachers’ understanding of scientific knowledge, systems of values and their practical approaches in education Questionnaires will be applied to: - Primary school teachers - Biology teachers - 2nd school - Geography teachers (or others involved in EE) - 2nd school Future teachers Future teachers Biology, health and environmental education for better citizenship - BIOHEAD-CITIZEN - Biology, health and environmental education for better citizenship - BIOHEAD-CITIZEN - STREP CIT2-CT
Biology, health and environmental education for better citizenship - BIOHEAD-CITIZEN - Biology, health and environmental education for better citizenship - BIOHEAD-CITIZEN - Besides fundamental aspects of our research (interactions between scientific knowledge, values, affective and social dimensions in Biology, Health and Environmental Education), other essential potential impacts are expected: Expected results Contribution to didactical changes: For each topic (Biol, health, Env.Ed) we expect that our critical and comparative analyses will contribute to promote changes in syllabi, scholar textbooks, and the way of teaching. The project outcomes will be worked out in order to be submitted as didactical proposals to local, national and European policy-makers. Contribution to the awareness of different social values: Comparison among European and INCO countries of our consortium, will make it possible to identify the relevant challenges that educational systems have to face. Being aware of these challenges, policy-makers can maximise their efficiency in order to reinforce a knowledge based society.