Low-disturbance sustainable urban construction Information coordination platform BIM and GIS for low-disturbance construction Deliverable D3.12 Work Package 3 / Task 3.1 / April 2013 Rizal Sebastian, Michel Böhms & Pim van den Helm (TNO)
Low-disturbance sustainable urban construction 2 Deliverable D3.12 WP 1 Project management WP 3 ICT coordination tools WP 6 Sustainability benchmarking & measures WP 2 Construction process management (strategies + methods) Developing a toolbox containing methods, tools, standards WP 4 Construction techniques for new bridges WP 5 Refurbishment techniques for existing bridges WP 7 Training & dissemination Creating new knowhow based on real projects
Low-disturbance sustainable urban construction 3 Deliverable D3.12 Main research problem tackled in WP3 Fragmentation in knowledge and decision-making process in current urban projects
Low-disturbance sustainable urban construction 4 Deliverable D3.12 Program Design Plan Operate Build Exploit NL Rotterdam Case ES La Palma Case Scope: PANTURA processes
Low-disturbance sustainable urban construction 5 Deliverable D3.12 Supporting the Plan phase: Design Alternative Global Design Development Alternative Global Design Comparison & Decision Design Detailing Plan Alternative Global Plan Development Alternative Global Plan Comparison & Decision Plan Detailing … analyzing the Build phase Criteria (or “KPIs”) Indicators Questions & Properties EUA Predefined NL Rotterdam Case ES La Palma Case Scope
Low-disturbance sustainable urban construction 6 Deliverable D3.12 Information Processes Underlying Technologies BIM/GIS Information Structures Software EUAU.S. BIM/GIS BIM/GIS Data Implementation BIM/GIS Framework ICT 3D CAD Servers Clientss
Low-disturbance sustainable urban construction 7 Deliverable D3.12 Pantura ICT integrating 3 worlds… DSS DEMO End User Application (EUA) Two scale levels: Bridge & (its) Environment GIS TNO Urban Strategy (U.S.) tool BIM Existing 3D CAD systems
Low-disturbance sustainable urban construction 8 Deliverable D3.12 Existing tool Urban Strategy (developed by TNO) NoiseTrafficSafety Air quality …. etc. 3D Datastore Communication BUS Calculation modules
Low-disturbance sustainable urban construction 9 Deliverable D3.12 Defined indicators per criterion (selected for demonstration in red) A. Safety A1. Worker Safety during construction A2. Safety of residents during construction B. Disturbance B1. Noise B2. Mobility B3. ConstructionTime B4. Delay potential B5. Dust emissions C. Costs C1. Life cycle costs C2. Initial costs D. Environment D1. Reused or recycled material D2. Emission of GHG (non LCA) D3. Total use of materials D4. LCA
Low-disturbance sustainable urban construction 10 Deliverable D3.12 Demo indicators/properties (in PANTURA ‘Demo Indicator/Property List’) 1.WorkerSafety Asserted at BIM-side as WorkerSafety property for each bridge variant 2.ResidentSafety Asserted at BIM-side as ResidentsSafety property for each bridge variant 3.Noise Quantified as “NrOfDisturbedBuildings”: “the amount of buildings in a certain area with a noise level of more than 65 decibel” (derived by query called by EUA- tool) MaxNoiseLevel property for each building derived from noise source points by U.S. 4.Mobility Derived by query called by EUA-tool. Ratio between Capacities and Intensities for roads derived from trafic-info (virtual for Spain, known for Rotterdam) by U.S. 5.ConstructionTime Asserted at BIM-side as ConstructionTime property for each bridge variant
Low-disturbance sustainable urban construction 11 Deliverable D3.12 BIM – GIS – Urban Strategy interoperability options BIM/GIS data in a specific BIM or GIS open format Urban Strategy tool Model server Decision-support tool with end user’s criteria (e.g. planning, cost) Scenario I Data converted to Semantic Web format Model server Decision-support tool with end user’s criteria (e.g. planning, cost) Scenario III Urban Strategy tool Data in format X Model server Decision-support tool with end user’s criteria (e.g. planning, cost) Data in format Y Data in format Z Scenario II Urban Strategy tool Choosen issue… Current SW support issue LongTerm-solution To many transformations needed for now
Low-disturbance sustainable urban construction 12 Deliverable D3.12 OpenBIM: OSS BIMserver OpenGIS: OSS Degree 3D BIM: 3D CAD + Properties GIS: Urban Strategy End User Application (EUA) decision-support tool Pre-defined existing situation & global design alternatives 3D GIS maps: - Coverage - Layers IFC-export GML-export - Visualized analyses - Advice - Criteria - Indicators - Questions/ properties Pre-calculated results MS SQL Oracle 11g Global design alternatives IFC CityGML+ Pantura ADE KIT FZK Viewer V2.0 CityGML file PANTURA ICT Architecture wfs queries End-user / decision- maker: Alternative global plan comparison & decision
Low-disturbance sustainable urban construction 13 Deliverable D3.12 PostgreSQL (PGAdmin ) PostGIS Deegree 3D 3.2 (“Delisle”) Release Java / OpenGL 2.0 JDK6 Build 29 Multi XEON Core Server (64 Gb memory) wfs VM machine Ubuntu VM machine VMWARE Esxi Qnap server Pantura ICT Infrastructure
Low-disturbance sustainable urban construction 14 Deliverable D3.12 GML CityGML v Pantura Demonstration Indicator/PropertyList Pantura ADE For - scenarios - properties Open BIMserver IFC Pantura export (all: XSD) GML-export Pantura ICT Infrastructure Layered Modelling & BIM-GIS-link deployedwww.modelservers.org/deegree-pantura/ deployedwww.modelservers.org/bimserver/ available (data)
Low-disturbance sustainable urban construction 15 Deliverable D3.12 Bridge Cases Case 1: La Palma, Spain 1 predefined global design alternative with 2 global plan alternatives 2 ‘scenarios’ to compare & decide Assertions based on expert opinions Noise Levels : dependent on Helicopter versus Truck/Crane Case 2: Rotterdam, The Netherlands 6 predefined global design alternatives with 6 resulting global plan alternatives 6 ‘scenarios’ to compare & decide 2 partial BIM models from NCC Assertions based on expert opinions Noise Levels : dependent on demolition aspects for alternatives
Low-disturbance sustainable urban construction 16 Deliverable D3.12 Case 1: La Palma, Spain
Low-disturbance sustainable urban construction 17 Deliverable D3.12 Case 1: La Palma, Spain GIS data overview. Opened in FME * viewer * Feature Manipulation Engine, for more info see:
Low-disturbance sustainable urban construction 18 Deliverable D3.12 Case 1: La Palma, Spain GIS data zoomed in to more detail. Lots of features available GIS Data are suitable for loading in Urban Strategy, yet manual work still needed.
Low-disturbance sustainable urban construction 19 Deliverable D3.12 Case 1: La Palma, Spain Modelling of on-site assembly scenarios
Low-disturbance sustainable urban construction 20 Deliverable D3.12 Case 2: Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Six (usefull) Scenarios (“Bridge Traces”) defined by end-user decision tool (sc0 being the existing situation) 5 BIM (‘Bridge’) Models as relevant input sc1sc2sc3sc4sc5sc6 BIM 1 Kon. Bridge As-Is BIM 2 Willemsbridge As-Is BIM 3 Willemsbridge Raised BIM 4 Willemsbridge Relocated BIM 5 New Bridge (demolish) Case 2: Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Low-disturbance sustainable urban construction 22 Deliverable D3.12 Summary of research performed
Low-disturbance sustainable urban construction 23 Deliverable D3.12 StepAchievements madeIssues tackled 1Consolidated the 3D CAD models of the bridges (new and existing).Model structure and IFC export from native software. 2 Exported IFC models of the bridges, and inclusion of disturbance-related properties in IFC parameters: ConstructionTime, WorkerSafety, and ResidentSafety. Naming and consistency of the IFC parameters. Current alternatives: certain properties in CityGML instead of IFC models. 3 Exported CityGML models of the bridges using the PANTURA-CityGML export function that is a plugin for the open-source BIMServer. Coordinate systems and conversions. 4 Stored CityGML models of the bridges on open-source Deegree 3D model server; pin-pointed affected urban area in the city. Storage configuration of the model server. 5 Consolidated 3D GIS maps of the cities, including existing traffic data model that was available for Rotterdam. Completeness and compatibility of the native GIS maps; representation of the explicit shapes involved (like solids or multi- surfaces for objects); availability of relevant data model or statistics for disturbance analysis (e.g. traffic, noise). 6 Adjusted / corrected / combined GIS maps including disturbance-related information as input for Urban Strategy tool – done with help of the existing FME tool (available on market). Generation of traffic data model for case study La Palma – Spain. 7Calculated disturbance impacts (i.e. noise and traffic) for 2 case studies. Determining noise sources and measurements; processing traffic data models. 8 Output CityGML models of the affected urban area including the calculation results from Urban Strategy – export from Urban Strategy model to CityGML model was done with help of the existing FME tool (available on market). Re-configuration of the FME tool for CityGML export according to PANTURA purposes. 9 Visualised output of Urban Strategy analysis results (e.g. graphical representations of noise level, traffic flow and congestion in the area depending on various construction scenarios). Storing the images on an FTP server connected with the End-User Application (EUA). 10Configured and deployed open-source Deegree 3D model server including PANTURA ADE. The PANTURA ADE keeps the configuration and allows users to define queries based on encoding the scenarios and properties. Configuring the Deegree 3D server for PANTURA schema, data format, and database/storage location; pre-defining the WFS queries; fixing technical bugs in the server; setting-up hardware to host the PANTURA Deegree server (accessible on
Low-disturbance sustainable urban construction 24 Deliverable D3.12 These 10 steps in images 1. Show Native 3D CAD bridge models (ADT, ArchiCAD & Tekla) 2. Show IFC BIM bridge models(BIMserver & IFC viewer) 3. Show BIMserver export to Pantura/CityGML (FzK-viewer) 4. Show CityGML bridge models (FzK-viewer) 5. Show Native 3D GIS maps(shp files) 6. Show processing for import to U.S. (FME work flow) 7. Show processing for export from U.S. (FME work flow) 8. CityGML GIS urban area models (FzK-viewer) 9. Show Graphical representation of analysis results(Urban Strategy) 10. Show PANTURA WFS Queroies (Deegree 3D) (11. ‘Bridge’ to End-User Application (EUA) Presentation by DEMO/André van Delft) – online accessible at
Generic, for Rotterdam & La Palma
Traffic & Noise
WFS Queries
Low-disturbance sustainable urban construction 35 Deliverable D3.12 Conclusions The originality of research in PANTURA is found in the attempt for open-interoperability of BIM and GIS for the purpose of decision-making in low-disturbance urban projects. The PANTURA approach can be generalised to connect a 3D BIM model and a 3D GIS. The BIM model can be generated by any CAD/BIM software with IFC export functionality. The challenge of open- interoperability is very high since it must face 4 fronts of complexity at the same time, namely: open BIM; open GIS; connection with an analytical tool, such as the Urban Strategy; and connection with a decision-support tool comprising end-user’s criteria and disturbance key performance indicators. Within the context of this challenge, no straight forward connectivity can be found; and therefore, the selected ICT architecture as discussed in this paper consists of a number of export / conversion steps. The selected ICT architecture has been made operational and verified in two case studies, yet we do not intend to proclaim that this is the most effective and efficient route towards the BIM-GIS open-interoperability. More research is needed to build scientific arguments to support (or oppose) the selected approach. One of the innovative solutions which can be derived from experiment in PANTURA is the use of Deegree 3D server to store and make available CityGML data. The server configuration, including the particular purpose for scenario analysis on disturbance impact, has been registered in the PANTURA ADE. This can become an input for future standardisation
Low-disturbance sustainable urban construction 36 Deliverable D3.12 The Pantura project is co-financed by the European Commision with contract No.: © Copyright © All rights reserved. All rights reserved. Any duplication or use of objects such as diagrams in other electronic or printed publications is not permitted without the author's agreement. WP 3 / T3.1 / D3.12 PP title: Information coordination platform Date: April 2013 Author(s): Rizal Sebastian Michel Böhms