To study the mechanical properties of NANOPERM and FINEMET alloys. Mechanical Properties of Nanocomposite Alloys presented by Jennifer Barrow Goals: To study the mechanical properties of NANOPERM and FINEMET alloys. To prepare the materials for experiments at the NHMFL. Methods Used: Melt spinning, Calorimetry, Nanoindentation
Rapid Solidification Processing Amorphous Tape Wound Core Nanocrystallization & Calorimetry Magnetic properties are well known for FINEMET and NANOPERM Mechanical properties are not. A. Hsiao CMU Ph.d Thesis
Background Composition: Nanocrystallization reaction (primary): NANOPERM Fe88Zr7B4Cu1 FINEMET Fe73.53Si16.07B6.43Cu1.09Nb2.88 Nanocrystallization reaction (primary): NANOPERM AmorphousαFe+amorphous’ (amorphous’ being rich in B, Zr) FINEMET AmorphousFeSi +amorphous’ (amorphous’ being rich in Nb, B) Nanocrystallization on heating Material has interesting soft magnetic properties ~10 nm Fe-Zr liquid is quenched to its amorphous phase. Alpha iron crystallizes
Strengthening mechanisms (Fe,Fe3Si or FeCo based glass) Dense Random Packing of Hard Spheres (DRPHS): Amorphous Structure Crystalline periodicity:(Fe,Fe3Si or FeCo) Atom substitution puts strain on the crystal structure Explain how dense random packing structure comes about. Smaller atom substituted interstitially (B) Larger atom substituted (Zr)
NANOPERM Hardness Data Nanoindenter setup 19% vol Unique hardness trend is due to strengthening mechanisms within the amorphous structure. (interstitial or substitutional) 38% vol 0% vol 2% vol
Other observations in hardness data Surface crystallization skews hardness data at beginning of Hardness vs. X curve (don’t have X = 0 at the surface) Strengthening mechanisms (interstitial and substitutional) are cause for general increase in hardness. Drop in hardness at large X is due to the fact that with increased crystallization, the material takes on mechanical properties of the softer nanocrystals
Future Work Annealing samples to obtain X(t), or % composition vs. time and a complete TTT curve. Polishing samples in order to eliminate surface crystallization. Determining mechanical properties at large X
Acknowledgements Amy Hsiao’s Thesis Changyong Um Michael McHenry