RF System for Bunch Rotation C. Ohmori ( KEK)
Bunch Rotation in Longitudinal Phase Space Direction of Beam Momentum Injection to FFAG Large p/p Apply RF 5MHz After several turns in FFAG Small p/p Saw Tooth RF is considered for smaller p/p Low Frequency for Large Bucketvs. Difficulty to get High Voltage at Low Frequency
Saw-tooth PRISM-low energy muon (68 MeV/c) => 200 kV/m @ 5 MHz Scaling FFAG for Neutrino Factory – high energy muon (200 MeV/c) Bunch Merging Scenario for muon collider
PRISM 5 MHz MA cavity X Tube AMP:1 k X 60A/.33 m, 66kV/gap Core impedance : about 160 /core X 6 cores Tube AMP : OK, obtained >60 A as RF current –Optimum design for only pulse operation (duty <0.1%) –Tubes is operated with Class B for 10 s, other;Class C. –1 APS for 4 RF AMP. Tested with a test cavity and 43 kV/gap was obtained Saw-tooth RF is tested.
MA core for PRISM 1.7 m
PRISM Cavity Design APS AMP Cavity Beam Pipe Side View 33cm
PRISM But cost is expensive. cores >> AMP+PS And, prefer more voltage for more muons. 200kV/m => 300 kV/m Solution Improvement of Cavity (core) impedance Other approach: ceramic cavity
Improvements of cavity impedance Hybrid cavity with ceramic cavity Improvements of cavity cores –X 2 by annealing under magnetic field for thinner ribbon –Small cores : OK –Large core ?
How to improve MA consists of Fe, Si, B, Cu and Nb. Amorphous ribbon (<20 m) is annealed and crystallized. Combination of magnetic field during annealing and thinner ribbon (13 m) The small crystal has an axis magnetized easily. By the special annealing, the axis is equal. But relation between core impedance and this effect is not clear. Small cores : proved by Hitachi Metal Large core : need big magnet and special oven. => Appling FY2007 JSPS money to produce these special core in KEK. B-H curve of MA core produced by annealing with/without magnetic field. (by Hitachi Metal)
Ceramic Cavity Proposed by J. Griffin. Low frequency air core cavity with a ceramic capacitor to resonate. Titanium Oxide capacitor was tested. 50kVDC (tested with 60kVDC). 1200pF. Electrodes are O.D. 121mmX I.D. 52mm, Thickness of ceramic is 14mm. Supported by JSPS money. Purpose : bunch rotation with low rep. rate. Small test cavity :30 cm X 30cm 4 k , Q=700, fres=7 MHz High power test is planned. High rep. rate : Hybrid cavity system with MA cavity. –Effective Q => below 100.