You learn more when you EXPLORE! Welcome aboard! This web quest will tell you about how brave discoveries make American Heroes!
Intro to American Heroes Personal Connection Characteristics Exploring Reflect The Journey at Last! Table of Contents!
What is a Hero to YOU?
Who is an American Hero? Spiderman … Superman … Wonder Woman …?
What are characteristics that make up an American Hero? American Heroes have made the world a better place! Today, we remember the courage of Lewis, Clark, and Sacagawea (sah KAH guh Wee uh). The world is in need of good American Citizens and we need you to discover the characteristics of Lewis, Clark and Sacagawea so that we can start making a difference! You are about to explore the journey these Heroes took. So gather your journals, its time to EXPLORE!journey
Hi, I am Meriwether Lewis and I went on a journey to explore the land of the west.. I am William Clark and I studied map-making. Click on our picture to watch the video on how we got started!
Do you see the red section on the map? That is the Louisiana Purchase. The United States bought this land from France for less than 3 cents per acre! Think about the land your house is on now, can you imagine only paying 3 pennies for it? President Thomas Jefferson has asked Lewis to explore the land beyond it. Click to the next slide to see the route taken!route
- Route of the Voyage of Discovery 2. May 14, 1804 Corps of Discovery began in St. Louis. 6. November 7, 1805 The Pacific Ocean was seen! 3. October 1804,Lewis and Clark spend the winter in Fort Mandan. 4. April 7, 1805 Spring was here and Sacagawea joined Corps of Discovery , President Thomas Jefferson asked Lewis to explore the land of the west 5. Summer of 1805 crossed the Bitterroot Mountains
Meriwether Lewis had one year to gather his supplies and troops together before the big adventure! If you only had 1 year to plan for a trip what would you do to prepare for this journey?
FoodTools SoupJournal CornDictionary PorkCompass TeaInk and crayons Supplies for the Corps of Discovery! Heading West: This is what we brought!
We traveled up the Missouri River with no maps or roads to follow. We all took many risks! **Write in Your Journal about a time you showed courage to handle a risk!courage Corps of Discovery began in St. Louis This is called a Keelboat we built this to begin our discovery on May 14, This is a form of Transportation.Keelboat Transportation **In what ways do people travel across the United States Today?
We have 16 kids in our class. If 4 walk to school and 6 ride the bus to school, how many other student’s ride in a car to school?
Check your work! Step 1: Add what you know: 4 walkers + 6 buss riders = 10. Step 2: 10 + How many more = 16 students? OR Try it this way: ANSWER : 6 ride in a car to school!
I know all the landmarks such as rivers and mountains, I can help you find your way to the west!landmarks **What tools do you use to make it easier to find your way? Sacagawea joins Corps of Discovery! Sacagawea is from the Indian mountains and we asked her to join us! We respect her background and value her skills and knowledge. We have high tolerance for new members of our journey.tolerance
IMAGINE you are at one of the Indian Villages and you want to buy a card to send home to your family. Click on the large dollar coin to find out how much change you have to buy a card!
Building Fort MANDAN: Have you ever built a fort? The team reached North Dakota and decided to spend winter here. To keep warm they had to build shelter. The temperature got down to below zero, and sometimes to –40 0 F. Fahrenheit 32 0 F F 0 0 F Water Boils Water Freezes F Average body temp F BRR!!!
In your Journal answer … 1.Which state has the coldest temperature? 2.Which state has the warmest temperature? 3. Compare the temperatures in South Dakota and North Dakota.
Click on picture to read journal’s written by Lewis and Clark. You will need to edit their writing the best you can. Lewis and Clark send letters to people they traded with. Write in your journal the different ways you hear about news today? Getting News
Why do we trade goods for other goods? We had no roads or maps to follow, we brought these peace medals to give to the American Indians. In return we received horses, shelter, food and other supplies that made our journey much easier! **In your journal, draw a picture that you would use as a sign of peace to give to your friend. What things do you trade for? Why do you trade? Will you trade with me?
November 18, 1805 We Reached the Pacific Ocean !
Click inside circle to begin your journey! If you have trouble with the words, raise your hand and I will come help you. I even had trouble with some of them!!!
Congratulations! You have just explored the Journey of Lewis, Clark and Sacagawea. Write in your journal… How you show courage and tolerance in your every day life? What can you do to be a positive American Citizen? Click on the star to see what to do next!
Evaluation. Now that you have become an expert on how to be a positive American citizen, share your knowledge with your group members. As a group create a public service announcement about how to be an active American with a positive influence. Get ready to share this announcement with your kindergarten buddies! Show them that YOU are a positive American citizen.
CourageCourage- being brave! JourneyJourney- A long trip KeelboatKeelboat- a large river boat LandmarkLandmark- a feature such as a tree, building, mountain that tells people where they are RouteRoute- a path taken to get from one place to another TolerantTolerant- a person who has respect for others and their ideas TransportationTransportation- Ways of moving goods or people. VoyageVoyage- a trip taken. Definitions