1 st 6 weeks Review
The long term significance of France in Canada is the ___culture_______ ______region_______ they created within Canada. The _______constitution_________ is where the individual rights of a people are detailed in a limited government. _________Democracy____ is possibly the most important cultural contribution of the U.S. to other cultures. The most important reason for limiting the power of a government is to _______prevent violation of citizen’s rights_______________
Be able to locate Mexico on a map of North America. What characteristic would one find in an unlimited government? Rule by one of few also know as one party rule Know the bodies of water that creates borders in both the U.S. and Mexico. Pacific Ocean and Gulf of Mexico Farming in the Midwest/Great Plains region is considered a major economic activity due to its access to _______water______ and ____good soil_____.
Know the difference between a service industry and manufacturing. Service industry= provides intangible (can NOT touch) goods i.e. mechanic, teacher, Manufacturing= provides tangible (physical objects/CAN be touched) goods Be able to read a table and discern information from data regarding economic development in North America. Factors that determine economic development…literacy rate, GDP (gross domestic product), life expectancy. The higher these factors are within a country or continent the more developed. The lower the factors within a country or continent the less developed or still developing the country is. Diego Rivera, a Mexican artist, is known for his murals. His murals reflected how he felt about ___the struggles of the common man_________. (You will have to infer from a photo of one of his murals the statement he is making) The governments of Canada, Mexico, and the U.S. are similar due to ____limited governments with constitutions_______________.
In a limited government, what characteristic is limited? power of the leaders What are the basic institutions common to all societies? Government, economic systems, educational systems, religious practices Why are the U.S. and Canada considered multicultural societies? Because of immigration which brought several cultures that diffused into their societies Be able to read a climate map and compare areas between continents. Know your compass point
To which civilization can the U.S. government trace its democratic roots? Greece List six cultural traits that can be found in any culture? Language, food, religion, music, celebrations, rules What factor of production is lacking in the economic development of Mexico? Entrepreneurship because investors are too scared to invest money within the country Know how cultural diffusion, the movement of different cultures into countries, influences aspects of a countries cultural traits. Example: when France colonized Quebec in Canada that brought their culture with them. That is why you see buildings in Quebec, Canada that reflect architecture found in France.