Main task Understanding the physics of planetary near-surface layers, including comets, Mars & Moon Main research topics Study of the mechanisms controlling the “activity” of comets by theoretical modelling as well as experimental simulation in a cryo-vacuum environment Development of prototypes for surface in situ measurements of key parameters (thermal conductivity, electrical permittivity, mechanical properties) Participation in ESA comet mission Rosetta/Philae and NASA Mars mission InSight Refereed publications (since Jan 2013): Total: 4 (first author: 4) Educational activities (since Jan 2013): Diploma theses: 3 Lecturing at University of Graz Planetary Surfaces IWF/ÖAW1
Lead: Norbert Kömle Members Staff: M. Bentley, G. Kargl, W. Macher Master Students: B. Krebl (thesis completed), A. Schaffer, P. Tiefenbacher Cooperation within IWF MIDAS Group: Cometary dust Key international collaboration Germany: Institut für Planetenerkundung, DLR Berlin Poland: Space Research Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw UK: Planetary Research Institute, Open University, Milton Keynes Who are we? IWF/ÖAW2
MIDAS Operations and Science MIDAS is an amplitude modulated Atomic Force Microscope Dust particles are collected, located, and imaged Data are nm-resolution 3D images (height fields) Full-time operations start early May
Pressure distribution near the exit of an elongated ice filled crack Surface erosion causing deepening of the crystallization front Surface ice sublimation Dynamics of phase changes Downward motion of crystallization front Amorphous ice crystallization? Modeling of Cometary Crevasses IWF/ÖAW4 Krebl B. and Kömle N.I.: A two- dimensional model of crevasses formed by cometary activity. Planet. Space Sci., 87, (2013).
Robust Thermal Conductivity Probes Perform tests and calibration experiments in different materials Multiple probes (2 or 4 needles) to derive thermal properties IWF/ÖAW5 heater needle sensor needle Dual probes
Geometry: two parallel cylinders A and B Each cylinder is composed of a core and an enclosing coaxial sheath Surface resistances taken into account at core/sheath and sheath/sample interface Advantages of analytic approach Fast computation; high accuracy Applicability to fitting of measurement data Measurement scenario Pulse heating of A, observation of T A (t), T B (t) heat capacity and conductivity of sample, surface resistance at probe/sample boundary Novel Thermal Dual Probe Theory IWF/ÖAW6 Macher W., Kömle N.I., Bentley M.S., Kargl G.: Temperature evolution of two parallel composite cylinders with contact resistances and application to thermal dual-probes, Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, 69, (2014).
Pile Driving Models for Soil Penetration Determination of soil-mechanical properties: Configuration for Philae/MUPUS hammering device Configuration for InSight Mole Scaling of standard models IWF/ÖAW7 Pile driving model adapted to the „mole“ configuration: Hollow tube driven by the impact of an interior ram weight
Rosetta data interpretation after Philae arrival, with emphasis on MIDAS and MUPUS Future Plans: IWF/ÖAW8 Development of models to integrate MIDAS and MUPUS data into a local (thermal) surface model Soil-mechanical modelling for the Mars mission InSight evaluation of soil- mechanical parameters from performance data of the InSight mole
Thank you IWF/ÖAW9
Univ.-Doz. Dr. Norbert I. Kömle Career Summary since 1979at Institut für Weltraumforschung, ÖAW, Austria Fellowship at Max-Planck-Institute for Aeronomy, Katlenburg-Lindau, Germany 1989Visiting Scientist, Space Research Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw since 2003Lecturer in Geophysics, University of Graz, Austria 2005, 2011Visiting Scientist, State Key Laboratory of Frozen Soil Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou, China Publications 106 Articles (First Author: 43, Refereed Articles: 71, Proceedings edited: 3) Research Interests Comets and icy satellites Properties of lunar regolith Space instrumentation for in situ measurements Thermal models and laboratory experiments