Wanna know how to get from “Y” to“K” ? Farisai Mabvudza Uma Rudraraju & George Wells Greg Foster & Presented By…Supervised By…
Why RUM? Rhodes has never used this system before – Introduce technology Not many people know about it Customer has to be in Grahamstown to view products Cash needs to be paid upfront by existing Rhodes students.
Advantages of RUM to the University Easy maintenance Lower overheads User profile – identifying users Automatic processing of orders New and increased revenue channels Increased market reach Improved loyalty
Advantages of RUM to the Customer User friendly interactions Secure transactions Product features Up to date Confirmation of orders Orders can be made from anywhere in the world Customers are able to shop around the clock without leaving their homes
The Concept of Teamwork “Two heads are better than one” Diversity of ideas Increased productivity, efficiency and quality Real world – teams for projects Aiming for a fully working system
Division of Work Uma Development of RUM Webpage Data Validation Documentation for the above mentioned tasks of the project
Essential Components HTML The publishing language of the World Wide Web. Javascript Is a language which allows a webpage to have dynamic content JSP Technology that allows web developers and designers to rapidly develop and easily maintain, information-rich, dynamic web pages that leverage existing business systems.
How are we tackling RUM? Tomcat FrontEnd BackEnd
Division of Work Farisai Development of RUM Webpage Online Help Database setup and validation Linking RUM to Database Implementation of security features Implementation of a few possible extensions Documentation for the above mentioned tasks
Essential Components MS Access DBMS to store product and customer details JDBC An industry standard for database independent connectivity between a computer platform or device operating in the Java environment and a wide range of databases Tomcat Web Server Is a Java based Web Application container that was created to run Servlets and JSP in Web applications.
Advantages of Tomcat Available for free Easy to install and set up Platform independent Good security features Support for JSP 1.2 Servlet API 2.3 compliance
Advantages of Tomcat Automatic servlet reloading Thread-pooling and JVM load-balancing Automatic deployment of Web ARchive (WAR) files NSAPI and ISAPI integration A command-line JSP-to-servlet code tool
JSP vs ASP JSPASP Web ServerAny Web server, including Apache, Netscape, and IIS Microsoft IIS or Personal Web Server Ability to Integrate with Data Sources Works with any ODBC- and JDBC technology- compliant database Works with any ODBC-compliant database PlatformsMost popular platforms Microsoft Windows
JSP vs ASP JSPASP Scripting LanguageJavaVBScript, JScript Reusable, Cross- Platform Components JavaBeans, Enterprise JavaBeans, Custom JSP Tags No Customizable TagsYesNo Memory Leak Protection YesNo Security Against System Crashes YesNo
Expected Output The expected deliverables are: The development of a rudimentary system which, we hope, could be used at Rhodes University Documentation