An individually adaptable, BNCI-based, remote controlled Cognitive Enhancement Training for successful rehabilitation after stroke including home support and monitoring GRANT-AGREEMENT: Collaborative Project – STREP
CONTRAST – Consortium 05/11/2013Dr. Donatella Mattia - ePractice, Brussels 2
The Need and The Gap 05/11/2013Dr. Donatella Mattia - ePractice, Brussels 3 The Burden of stroke is predicted to increase from 38 Mio DALYs worldwide in 1990 to 61 Mio DALYs in [WHO, 2004] Bridge the GAP between institutionalized REHA and home Provide an adaptive Human-Computer Interface
The CONTRAST Product 05/11/2013Dr. Donatella Mattia - ePractice, Brussels 4 Will comprise – The Human-Computer Interface (HCI) with cognitive training modules – The medical and neuropsychological decision algorithm for shared decision making – Test battery for outcome measurement – Remote monitoring and control
The Human-Computer Interface 05/11/2013Dr. Donatella Mattia - ePractice, Brussels 5 Training to modulate the EEG = Neurofeedback Effects: -Voluntary increase or decrease of amplitudes -Improved cognitive function (e.g. attention)
Evaluation Framework 05/11/2013Dr. Donatella Mattia - ePractice, Brussels 6
Effects on Memory End-Users with Stroke 05/11/2013Dr. Donatella Mattia - ePractice, Brussels 7 Memory Task (Sternberg, 1966); Memory training with COALA module; Pre and post training behavioral and neurophysiological (hd-EEG) assessment After memory training patients showed a significant improvement in memory tests (up left) associated to a change in connectivity patterns (bottom right) pointing to a significant increase in the left temporal degree (bottom left) Connectivity-based indices to monitor efficacy
Remote Control and Secure Data Transfer 05/11/2013Dr. Donatella Mattia - ePractice, Brussels 8
Interaction between end-users and developers 05/11/2013Dr. Donatella Mattia - ePractice, Brussels 9 Users: Patients after stroke Health professionals Users: Patients after stroke Health professionals early focus on users, tasks and environment; the active involvement of users; an appropriate allocation of function between user and system; the incorporation of user- derived feedback into system design; iterative design whereby a prototype is designed, tested and modified early focus on users, tasks and environment; the active involvement of users; an appropriate allocation of function between user and system; the incorporation of user- derived feedback into system design; iterative design whereby a prototype is designed, tested and modified
CONTRAST Product COALA – Neuropsychological Test Battery with automated output of results for shared decision making between doctors and patients – Human-computer interface for neurofeedback training – EEG headset for easy set-up – Remote controlled training and data storage for monitoring of rehabilitation – Improved cognitive function Potential Impact – Reduced time for inpatient rehabilitation – Continuation of training after release from rehabilitation unit – Increased rehabilitation effects – Increased independence and autonomy of end-users – Continuous support and supervision preventing exclusion 05/11/2013Dr. Donatella Mattia - ePractice, Brussels 10