EELS analysis of carbon structures Nanotube seminar Gergely Kovách MTA MFA
Electron spectroscopy -EELS, electron energy loss is characteristical to the material -XPS, binding energy of C1s (284.6eV, 285.4eV) core level electron, energy loss of core level electron
Electron energy loss in solids a – zero loss b – fonons c – band transitions d – surface plasmons e – bulk plasmons f – inner shell absorption edge
Hybridization of C atoms -Energy difference in hybridized orbitals -Broadening of bonds -Also valid for amorphous structure -Pre edge feature in C1s-2p absorption 1s-2p( *)
Core level absorption spectra of C samples DLC Graphite Evap. C J. Yuan, Micron 515 (2000) STEM at 100 kV sp 2 /sp 3 obtained from peak intensity
Polarization of 1s-2p z transition Anisotropic response of 1s-2p dipole transition -> difficulties in quantitative analysis
sp 2 /sp 3 ratio: Plasmon energy shift
sp 2 /sp 3 ratio: using reference material
sp 2 /sp 3 ratio: C1s binding energy
Own measurements
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