Izrada rješenja bez programiranja pomoću SharePoint Composites BORISLAV GRGIĆ, PERPETUUM MOBILE D.O.O.
Sadržaj Teorija Primjeri Što je novo u SharePoint-u 2013?
Za koga je predavanje ? Power Users Developers Administrators Decision makers Poznavanje SharePointa 2010 je plus.
Što očekivati? Pregled SharePoint Composite alata „Guidence” „Tips & Tricks” Što je novo?
Što ne očekivati? Detaljan pregled pojedinih alata BI Warning!!! Ja nisam Office guru.
No- code rješenja Svako rješenje bez kompajliranoga koda >> SharePoint Composites
SharePoint Composites „A SharePoint Composite combines data, documents, and business process in a useful, productive way by assembling, connecting, and configuring the basic building blocks of functionality available in SharePoint 2013 and Microsoft Office 2013 so you can rapidly create business solutions.”
Alati Browser (sites, web parts, css, html, javascript) SharePoint Designer Infopath Office (Word, Excel, Access,Visio) Apps
Tko mora znati „više” ? Administratori (popravci) Developeri (“Let’s not write code until we have to write code.”) Power user
Power User Osoba koja je prošla edukaciju iz SharePoint-a Osoba koja je upoznata s poslovnim procesima unutar svoga dijela organizacije Robert A. Heinlein : "Progress is made by lazy men looking for easier ways”
Opseg rješenja
Životni ciklus SharePoint rješenja Although you may not be a programmer, if you want to create a SharePoint Composite solution, you still need to think like a programmer
Sharepoint Composites imaju ograničenja
SharePoint Designer Enhance Lists and libraries with custom forms and integrate different data sources. Create Workflows Create external content types Customize Web Parts Add custom actions, such as links, icons, and scripts to the SharePoint Ribbon, toolbar, and list item menus by using the Custom Action builder. Save a site as a template and deploy the site as a packaged solution.
Novo u SharePoint Designer 2013 ? Workflows Nema Design View-a !!
Access 2013 Web App ” An Access web app is a new type of database that you build in Access, then use and share with others as a SharePoint app in a web browser. ”
What is new in Infopath 2013 ?
Linkovi SharePoint Composites Handbook: Access Web Apps: White Paper: Office Access Services Setup: Faboulos 40 Site templates: Geolocation Field Form: