Results of the 1st questionnaire for parents in Kindergarten Manka Golarja Gornja Radgona October 2013 Celebrations Across Europe
Number of questionnaires given to parents: 109 Number of questionnaires returned: 59 (54%)
1) How big is your family (parent/s, children, grandparent/s,...)? Type of familyNumber (percentage) 1 parent, 1 child2 (3%) 1 parent, 2 children1 2 parents, 1 child13 (22%) 2 parents, 2 children22 (37%) 2 parents, 3 children3 (5%) 2 parents, 4 children1 1 parent, 1 child, 1 grandparent2 (3%) 1 parent, 1 child, 2 grandparents1 1 parent, 2 children, 1 grandparent1 2 parents, 1 child, 1 grandparent1 2 parents, 2 children, 1 grandparent4 (7%) 2 parents, 2 children, 2 grandparents3 (5%) 2 parents, 1 child, 2 grandchildren1 2 parents, 4 children, 1 grandparent1 2 parents, 2 children, 1 other1 2 parents, 2 children, 2 grandparents, 2 others1 2 parents, 3 children, 2 grandparents, 1 other1
2) Are you ethnically mixed family?
3) Has your family put emphasis on tradition and heritage when you were a child?
4) Do you pass on your family’s tradition and heritage to your children ?
4.1) If you answered YES, WHAT do you pass them on? Things they pass on:Number (percentage) traditional stories16 (27%) songs27 (46%) tradition18 (31%) traditional food29 (49%) festive clothes1 dances7 (12%) talk about old times1 baking bread2 respect for adults1 celebrating birthdays with family1 family dinner1 games1 holidays1 farm chores2 books2 superstitions1
4.2) If you answered YES, HOW do you pass them on? How they pass it on:Number (percentage) storytelling, conversation16 (27%) cooking10 (17%) events1 gifts1 singing12 (20%) tradition – harvest, …4 (7%) on different occasions1 dancing3 joint activities4 (7%) reading3 playing1 by example1 internet1 books2
5) Do your parents (your child’s grandparents) pass on your family’s tradition and heritage to your children?
5.1) If you answered YES, WHAT do they pass them on? Things they pass on:Number (percentage) tradition17 (29%) songs, music20 (34%) food19 (32%) holidays3 religious content2 chores they did in old times5 (8%) stories14 (24%) games1 storytelling about events2 old photos1 dances2 books2 values (family, friendship, love)1
5.2) If you answered YES, HOW do they pass them on? How they pass it on:Number (percentage) conversation15 (25%) cooking5 (8%) joint chores9 (15%) events1 singing10 (17%) reading, storytelling5 (8%) visiting church1 celebrating holidays1 games1
6) Do you think that in general tradition and heritage are loosing their value? That people don’t put enough emphasis on them anymore?
7) Do you celebrate … ?
8) Do you think it’s important for your child to learn and celebrate YOUR country’s tradition, heritage, culture, holidays and other important days?
9) Do you think it’s important for your child to learn and celebrate OTHER countries’ tradition, heritage, culture, holidays and other important days?
10) Do you think that with this project your child will learn more about his/her country’s and other countries’ tradition, heritage, culture, holidays and other important days?
11) Do you know other countries’ tradition, holidays?
12) Do you celebrate other countries’ tradition, holidays?
13) In your opinion does your child spend a lot of time in front of television, computer, ipad, mobile phone etc.?
14) Do you think your child will spend less time in front of TV, computer, ipad, mobile phone etc. because he/she will be spending more time with you, grandparents, piers and other people that will be involved in the project?