MSc BEHAVIOURAL ECONOMICS 2015-2016 School of Economics and Finance Queen Mary, University of London
Academic Staff Prof. Sujoy Mukerji (Head of School) Dr. Asen Ivanov (Programme Director) You will be assigned TA as adviser
Admin Staff Sarah Riley (Finance MSc’s Programme Manager) Stanley Babukutty (PG Student Support Manager) Raj Sidhu (Careers Consultant) Lipsheon Jhand (Internship Coordinator)
Useful Resources QMPlus PG Student Handbook available in PG shared area on QMPlus
Programme Structure (Regular) Semester A Semester B Summer ECOM101 Behavioural Economics ECOM102 Advanced Behavioural Finance 5,000 word Dissertation ECOM065 Investments Elective ECOM015 Corporate Finance ECOM072 Econometrics for Finance ECOM094 Eviews and Data Analysis for Research Each module typically worth 15 credits ECOM094 is 30 credits Dissertation is 30 credits
Programme Structure (CFA Pathway) Students on CFA Pathway do not take ECOM094 Eviews and Data Analysis Instead, they take ECOM092 CFA Training 1 week intensive module in June prepares students for CFA level 1 exam in Dec (after graduation from MSc) supplied by Fitch Training Note: fee for CFA Pathway is higher by £1000
Dissertation Can be Details will be given in semester B literature review empirical project (typically, redoing data analysis from published paper using different data set) (If you plan to do empirical project, you should probably not take CFA Pathway as it excludes ECOM094) Details will be given in semester B
Assessment Typically, mark for each module is 20-80 weighed average of coursework (HW, tests, etc.) and final exam Mark classification: Fail 0-49 Pass 50-59 Merit 60-69 Distinction 70-100 Resit opportunity in Aug mark capped at 50 counts with weight 100% (i.e., coursework mark does not count)
Degree Requirements To obtain MSc degree, you must: pass at least 150 (out of 180) credits overall average (including dissertation) of at least 50 not obtain a mark below 40 in any module “pass” on dissertation students who fail dissertation may submit fresh dissertation following year (mark capped at 50) To graduate with merit, you need overall average of at least 60 and at least 60 on dissertation To graduate with distinction, you need overall average of at least 70 at least 65 on dissertation
Choice of Electives List of electives with short descriptions available in PG Student Handbook Syllabi available through PG Shared Area of QMplus More ambitious students with better math skills encouraged to take ECOM044 Advanced Asset Pricing and Modelling
Choice of Electives Go to: Log in using college username and password Choose elective modules for semester B. (You can change selections at start of semester B.) Once you’ve chosen electives on MySIS, SEF will check and confirm them Deadline to enter selections: 11th Oct (Sun) Electives allocated on first come, first serve basis
Unmarked Short Modules and Courses Foundation course in Technical Analysis delivered by The Society of Technical Analysts Financial Trading Programme Brief introduction to Bloomberg Terminals Applied Portfolio Management Check PG Shared Area on QMplus for further info
Timetables For 21st Sept – 2nd Oct, follow timetable for pre-sessionals You will get email about timetable for 5th Oct – 18th Dec
Attendance Obligatory lecture attendance Recorded electronically Bring clickers Possible consequences of non-attendance deregistration visa issues
Extenuating Circumstances If you miss lectures, test, exam, or homework deadline due to something outside your control (e.g., because you are unwell), submit ASAP extenuating circumstances claim with supporting documentation Fit-to-sit policy: If you take exam/submit HW, you are considered fit
e-Books SEF will provide e-books for compulsory modules You will be able to read them on and off-line, take notes, print parts of them Details will be given to you by email after you enrol
Facilities Access to computer labs in W307 and W313
Events and Activities SEF imagery competition Debate teams SEF 5-aside football championship Careers events: guest lectures informal trip to Bloomberg School’s MSc investment club, Queen Mary University of London MSc Investment Fund (QUMMIF)
Careers Programme SEF organizes events geared towards developing job market skills For more info:
Staff Student Liaison Committee Platform for students to express views and concerns Committee meets twice per term Students representatives wanted
Special Arrangements If you need special arrangements for exams due to problem or medical condition, contact Queen Mary’s Disability and Dyslexia Service ( well in advance of exam
Additional Resources Advice and Counseling Service ( student finance advice professional counseling for psychological issues immigration advice housing, study and disability support specific info for international students Nightline (020 7631 0101) confidential listening and information service run by students The Language Centre (
Timeline & Important Dates 21st Sept – 25th Sept 21st Sept – 2nd Oct Induction week Pre-sessional modules in maths and statistics 5th Oct – 18th Dec 9th–13th Nov Semester A lectures and classes Reading week 11th Jan – 1st April 22nd-26th Feb 25th and 28th March Some time in March Semester B lectures and classes Bank holidays Dissertation abstract due 25th-29th April Revision week 3rd May – 10th June 2nd and 30th May Examination period Some time in June for 1 week CFA Training June-Aug Some time in Aug Need to be available to meet dissertation supervisor Deadline for dissertation submission Resit exams
Thank you for choosing SEF Thank you for choosing SEF! We wish you an exciting and rewarding experience!