The Ministry for Regional Development of the Czech Republic (MRD) Urban dimension in Czech Operational Programmes Josef Postránecký Department of Regional Policy and Development Urban dimension in Czech Operational Programmes Josef Postránecký Department of Regional Policy and Development Ministry for Regional development of the Czech Republic Staroměstské nám Praha 1
The Ministry for Regional Development of the Czech Republic (MRD) Implementing Operational programmes Role of the MRD coordination role of the MRD, responsibility for the preparation and implementation of the NSRF, facilitate the better drawing of Structural Funds, monitoring.
The Ministry for Regional Development of the Czech Republic (MRD) Urbanization of the Czech Republic only one city over 1 million inhabitants Capital city of Prague, only 5 cities over inhabitants, 22 cities over inhabitants, 63 cities over inhabitants, about 6250 municipalities totally.
The Ministry for Regional Development of the Czech Republic (MRD)
The Ministry for Regional Development of the Czech Republic (MRD) Urban dimension in National Strategic Reference Framework Included in strategic objective: Balanced territorial development. Goal: Strengthening the role of cities as accelerators of regional development and economic growth. Urban issues solved by: Regional Operational Programmes – primary, Integrated Operational Programme – housing, Thematic Operational Programmes – complementary. Cities over inhabitants cities considered as poles of growth with the impact on the whole region, extra priority axe/area of intervention in each Regional Operational Programme, obligatory use of integrated approach for the city development, Integrated Urban Development Plans.
The Ministry for Regional Development of the Czech Republic (MRD) Integrated Urban Development Plan (IUDP) Area-based or thematic approach Aim: achieving a synergic effect of individual interventions, coordination of sector and zoning policies in cities, synergic mechanisms for intervention of Regional Operational programmes (ROPs) and also for Thematic Operational Programmes (TOPs) and the Integrated Operational Programme (IOP). Purpose: concentrate resources in projects which seek to solve the most serious identified problems and make use of the economic potential of urban municipalities.
The Ministry for Regional Development of the Czech Republic (MRD) Integrated Urban Development Plan IUDPs must concern themselves with benefits within the scope of at least 3 of 6 priority areas: Economic Development Social Integration The Environment Attractive Cities Accessibility and Mobility Public Affairs Governance
The Ministry for Regional Development of the Czech Republic (MRD) Implementation of IUDP Regional Operational Programmes (ROP) obligatory for cities over inhabitants to gain resources for urban development from ROP Thematic Operational Programmes 10% favor for projects based on IUDP government resolution (no. 883/2008 about Preparation and realization of IUDP) - binding all Managing Authorities of Thematic Operational Programmes Integrated Operational Programme (IOP) obligatory for cities over inhabitants to gain resources for housing from IOP
The Ministry for Regional Development of the Czech Republic (MRD) Urban Dimension in ROP 7 ROPs each has priority axe / area of intervention focused on cities realization through IUDP (cities over inhabitants) minimal volume of IUDP – 10 mil EUR zone - based approach (coherent area in the city) deprived zone zone with a high potential for growth thematic approach e.g. transport, environment goals of the interventions (e.g.) regeneration a revitalization of the city parts improving the quality of life in the city (zone) improving the public spaces strengthening the social cohesion
The Ministry for Regional Development of the Czech Republic (MRD) Urban Dimension in IOP Priority axe: Improving the environment in problematic housing estates implementation through the Integrated Urban Development Plans minimal volume of IUDP cities over inhabitants – 3 mil. EUR cities between – inhabitants – 2 mil EUR types of interventions : revitalization of public space in problematic housing estates; regeneration of apartment houses. additional interventions in IUDP supporting the: Economic growth Renovation of physical environment Reconstruction of old industrial premises Protection and development of natural and cultural heritage Support of business, local employment and development of communities
The Ministry for Regional Development of the Czech Republic (MRD) Urban Dimension in IOP Territory intended for support in the IOP Geographically limited zone - coherent area in the town, Deprived residential territory – zone with concentration of negative phenomena (e.g. high unemployment, criminal rate, social exclusion), Zone must be a part of the city with total number of inhabitants at min. (these towns cover ca 32.4 % from total number of inhabitants in the CR), Residential zone must include min. 500 apartments – which represents ca 1300 inhabitants, Residential zone must have elaborated the IUDP
The Ministry for Regional Development of the Czech Republic (MRD) Allocations to the cities Allocation in ROP (Cities over ) ROP Contribution of EU (EURO) South - East North -East North - West South - West Central Moravia Central Bohemia Moravia - Silesia Total to the cities (11,2 % of total allocation to ROPs) Allocation in IOP (Cities over ) IOPContribution of EU (EURO) Housing (12,2 % of total allocation to IOP) Total urban allocation: EURO (2,7 % of total EU funds)
The Ministry for Regional Development of the Czech Republic (MRD) Thank you for your attention Josef Postránecký Director of the Department of Regional Policy and Development Ministry for Regional Development Staroměstské nám Praha 1