1 Tongji University Rong Chen 3/1/2005 OS Research Trends and Elastos Overview
2 Evolutions of Operating Systems DOS Windows 3.1 Windows 2000.NET Windows 2000 Longhorn
3 On Demand Computing (Pan URL) URL based binary executables No software installation required Incrementally download what is necessary Elastos Model (URL address code & data) computer datacode datacode Browser Model (URL address HTML data) computer datacode data code
4 Internet Storage Hierarchy Computer Architectures Stand-alone Computer Stand-alone Computer Internet Computer (Grids) Internet Computer (Grids) Programming Paradigm Independent of Connection Technology Independent of Connection Technology Must be TCP/IP free Must be TCP/IP free Internet StorageHard DiskMemoryRegisters North Bridge, South Bridge… IDE, SCSI, PCI… TCP/IP, NETBIOS, HTTP… Stand-alone Computer Internet Computer
5 Platform for Secure Executions Domain A Domain C Domain B Programmable secure native execution environment Customized by operation providers Digital signatures and sandboxing
6 Platform for Secure Executions (2)
7 XML Based Graphics User Interface XML Based Graphics User Interface Superset of HTML 4.01, extending tags include Button, Icon, etc. Dynamically bind to user defined native executable modules Bypassing scripting languages, such as JAVA scripts
8 Platform for Device Plug and Play HomeOffice Public True plug and play Devices are self-describing No awareness of device drivers
9 Terminal to server Peer to peer Operation & Server Paradigm
10 Pervasive & P2P Computing
11 Application development Operating System Programming Paradigm Comparing with major players Technology Trends Stand-alone APPs WEB Services Desktop/Server (MS Windows) Grid Computing (Microsoft.Net) Language Sun Java & Microsoft.Net Elastos Comp. Library VM CAR API CAR Library Elastos OS Object-oriented Middleware Going in the same direction but with complementary technology
12 CDMA2000WCDMATD-SCDMA BREWSymbianElastos Elastos + TD-SCDMA = 3G 3G Mobile Software Platforms