BAFS – S.5 Elective Accounting Module
Overview – What is Accounting? It is a “Specialized language” of business. – enables you to communicate and understand the financial operations of all types of organization. – Is the business making profits? – Is it worth investing? The systematic recording, reporting, and analysis of financial transactions of businesses. One of the “oldest professions” – backbone of ALL businesses.
Topics covered in the NSS – BAFS Curriculum S.6 – Cost Accounting Cost control& analysis making managerial decisions Cost control & analysis for making managerial decisions S.5 – Financial Accounting Accounting for different forms of business e.g. Sole trader, partnership & Limited companies Financial Analysis & Interpretation S.4 – Introduction to Accounting Accounting fundamentals Accounting fundamentals – Rules of accounting & the accounting cycle From recording of transactions preparation of financial statements
Why study Accounting in NSS? Build a good foundation for further studies in ANY business-related subject? – E.g. BBA, Professional Accounting etc… Pursuit a finance-related career? – Accountant, financial controller / analyst, CFO etc… Develop a business mind? – Find out the secrets behind business performance? – Opportunity for setting up own business in the future?
Why study Accounting in NSS? To join different accounting & business competitions? Broaden your horizons?
Further enquiries? Come & see Mr. Thomas Hung
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