Introduction of the Vysocina Region Cagliari Martin Hyský
Basic information about the region Map of the Czech regions
Basic information about the region Basic nubers Area:6 796 km 2 Number of municipalities:704 Number of inhabitants : Logo:
Basic information about the region Average number of inhabitants in municipality:727 Density:75 inh./1 km 2 Average salary670 euro GDP/1 inh. (2005): 8000 euro unemployment rate ( by ):5,8 % Other numbers
Basic information about the region Main characteristics 1/4 Strategic situation The backbone D-1 Motorway splits the region into two halves Midway between the cities of Prague, Brno and Vienna The Region is part of the main European watershed between the North and Black Seas Residential structure Predominantly dispersed rural communities in close proximity
Basic information about the region Main characteristics 2/4 Environment Clean environment Protected areas of Železné Mountains and Ždárské Hills National Nature Reserves: Mohelenská Serpentite Step, ‘Velký Špičák’, the ‘Zhejral’ Marsh; and many nature reservations Forests cover 30.1% of the Region An important headwater area, reservoir, and water source for two of the main agglomerations in the Czech Republic
Basic information about the region Main characteristics 3/4 Sights Included in the UNESCO list: The historic Telč town centre The pilgrimage church of St. John Nepomunk at Zelená hora near Žďár nad Sázavou The Jewish Town and Basilica of St. Prokop in Třebíč Town and village sightseeing reservations and zones Important national cultural monuments
Basic information about the region Main characteristics 4/4 Economy Structure of employment: 43.8% industry (35.4) and construction (8.4) 24.7% retail (11.1), hospitality (2.8), transport and communication (6.2), financial and insurance (1.3), company services (3.2) 20.7% public administration (6.6), education (6.2), health and social activities 10.8% agriculture and forestry (10.4), mineral mining SME‘s (more than 90%)
Support of the regional development Basic tools of the regional development Grant tool of the region – The Vysocina Fund EU projects – investments ( business incubators ), non investments (ICHNOS Plus) Cooperation betwwen public institutions on the regional, national and international level Growth of knowledge of the regional emloyees
Contacts Martin Hyský Member of the Ŕegional Council responsible for regional development …..presentation about the benefits of ICHNOS Plus for our region will follow…. Thanks for the attention