Microsoft Web Server ◦ Used by ~ 50% of Fortune 500 companies Comes with Server OS Expandable Easy to use
Windows Components > Application Server ◦ ASP.NET (optional but lots of 3 rd party solns use it) ◦ IIS > Common Files IIS Manager World Wide Web Service Other stuff can be installed (SMTP server, FTP server)
DNS name Update the abccompany.local zone ◦ www Address ◦ www Alias mssrv01.abccompany.local
IIS Manager > server > Web Sites > Default Web Site Pretty much basic, functional web site ◦ Listens on Port 80 ◦ C:\InetPub\wwwroot\ ◦ Need to create the index.htm (and related) file(s)
Properties of Site ◦ WebSite IP address (All or specific) Port(s) (NOTE: SSL is more than just listing port) Logging/timeout ◦ HomeDirectory Where find files Could be redirection Permissions (like share perms) ◦ Documents What files to look for index.html ???
IP address/Domain Restrictions ◦ Who will we talk to? Who will we ignore ◦ Allow all – Exceptions.OR. Deny all – Exceptions Authentication ◦ What users can see this site ◦ How authenticate them ◦ More in a bit Secure Communications ◦ SSL ◦ More later
acct.abccompany.local mktg.abccompany.local How many servers do we need?
New hardware for each “site” New IP address for each “site”
One box ◦ Big Disk/RAM ◦ Multiple IP addresses??? Web sites “Virtualized” inside physical server Server must pick correct Virtual Server to access.
Multiple IP addresses on Physical Server ◦ DNS for each Virtual Server points to different IP addr acct.fencon.local mktg.fencon.local ◦ Configure Web site to pay attention to unique IP acct site mktg site Need IP address for each virtual host!
Single IP address on Physical Server ◦ All Virtual hosts use the same IP address ◦ Host header assigned to Virtual Server When request comes in to physical server, it looks at the URL that was used (acct.abccompany.local vs mktg. abccompany.local) Picks the correct virtual server based on the host headers Only need one IP address! Arguably the most common method
For internal webs, we may only want access from INTERNAL addresses ◦ “You can see this, but only when you are at work” site Properties > Directory Security > IP Address and Domain Restrictions Set default behavior (Grant/Deny) Set exceptions ◦ DENY All except /16
By default anonymous access is allowed Users group has ◦ Read/Execute ◦ List Folder Contents ◦ Read Permissions etc Take away permissions and take away anonymous access user must authenticate
Site Props > Directory Security > Authentication & access control Disable Anonymous Pick Methods ◦ Integrated Windows auth IE only (now firefox as well) ◦ Basic auth password sent clear text!! ◦ Digest (only for domain users) ◦.NET
Created multiple web sites inside a single web server Restricted access by IP (where are you?) Restricted access by user (who are you?) Still need… ◦ Encryption (SSL) ◦ Nicer Content – Portals, etc