Czech cohesion policy in the period 2007-2013: some critical remarks Pavel Ptáček, Department of Geography, Palacký University in Olomouc, Czech republic.


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Presentation transcript:

Czech cohesion policy in the period : some critical remarks Pavel Ptáček, Department of Geography, Palacký University in Olomouc, Czech republic 11th session Central and South East Europe and the EU New Cohesion Policy 1

NUTS 2 regions Praha 172 Střední Čechy 70 Jihozápad 69 Severozápad 63 Severovýchod 65 Jihovýchod 72 Střední Morava 64 Moravskoslezsko 67 11th session Central and South East Europe and the EU New Cohesion Policy 2 Praha EU27= 100% 172 Střední Čechy 70 Jihozápad 69 Severozápad 63 Severovýchod 65 Jihovýchod 72 Střední Morava 64 Moravskoslezsko 67

GDP in PPP after NUTS 2 regions 11th session Central and South East Europe and the EU New Cohesion Policy 3

Structure of EU funds Period available 800 bil. CZK (26bil. €) 26 operational programmes: 7 regional (NUTS 2, 18 % of the budget) 8 thematic (Transport, Environment, Enterpreneurship and Innovations, R&D for Innovations, Human resources and employment, Education for competetiveness, Integrated OP, OP Technical help) 11th session Central and South East Europe and the EU New Cohesion Policy 4

Structure of EU funds OP Prague competetiveness, OP Prague adaptability (both just 1%) European territorial collaboration: 5 cross-border programs OP Interregional collaboration (EU+N+CH) Central Europe ESPON 2013 INTERACT II 11th session Central and South East Europe and the EU New Cohesion Policy 5

Current stage of progress: In October 2013 from total budget: 35 % payed from Brussels 60 % payed from Czech state budget 90 % signed contract for realisation Cca bil. CZK (2-2,5 bil. €) will not be spent Some expenses will not be certified (4-6 bil. €) 11th session Central and South East Europe and the EU New Cohesion Policy 6

Criticism: Too many OP (splitting of focus of reg. policy) Too low absorbtion capacity (subjects unable to spend money) Under estimation of revision mechanisms Inefficiency in money spending „Soft“ project do not work properly (but CZ has one of the lowest share of soft projects + expected higher share for ) Unfair competition for subjects without subsidies 11th session Central and South East Europe and the EU New Cohesion Policy 7

Reasons for inefficiency Missing Low on Civil Service (unprofessional, fluctuating and politicaly manipulated staff) Crucial condition for from the EU to accept this law (only EU country without it)! period: Questionable is to cancel ROP (Northwest vs. sest of NUTS2) Regional autonomy in decession making is important Absorbtion capacity for soft programmes 11th session Central and South East Europe and the EU New Cohesion Policy 8

THANK YOU! 11th session Central and South East Europe and the EU New Cohesion Policy 9