December 18, 2007 TPTF How ERCOT Websites and Applications Handle MIS Public, MIS Secure and MIS Certified Information Kate Horne
TPTFDecember 18, 2007 Objectives View demo showing Public and Secure information on MIS Portal and Review content classification issues from Section 12
TPTFDecember 18, 2007 ERCOT Websites ERCOT.comOperations and System Planning Data MIS Portal Anyone can accessRequires user name and password (or digital certificate) Requires digital certificate Public Information: Market information (MIS Public) Company information Market information not required in Protocols Restricted Information: Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEII) that requires registration Links to MIS Public information MIS Secure information MIS Certified information Note: TML Portal will continue to host retail applications and wholesale zonal settlements data post go-live, but will eventually be decommissioned.
Demo (see Use Cases)
TPTFDecember 18, 2007 Use Cases for Demo 1.User with digital certificate (DC) accesses a public real-time report from MIS. The report opens in a new window with no other navigation. 2.User (no DC) accesses the same public report from 3.User with DC launches MMS from MIS to create a trade (Certified). “Tearaway” feature places MMS in a new window. 4.User with DC accesses Protocols (currently Public) from MIS. Protocols page on launches in new window. 5.User with DC accesses Other Binding Documents. 6.User with DC accesses Special Protection Systems (Secure) from MIS. SPS page on Operations and System Planning Data launches in new window.
TPTFDecember 18, 2007 Secure and Restricted Information 12.1Overview (1)ERCOT shall create and maintain an electronic Market Information System (“ERCOT Market Information System” or “MIS”). Part of the MIS contains information available to the public in the MIS Public Area; part of the MIS contains information available only to applicable Entities in the MIS Secure Area; and part of the MIS contains information available only to an individual Market Participant in the MIS Certified Area. The MIS Secure Area* provides restricted access to critical energy infrastructure information. (2)ERCOT shall also create and maintain an Internet website with public and restricted areas. ERCOT is developing the Operations and System Planning Data (OSPD) website for restricted information (CEII). Access requires a user name/password. Much of the system planning information required to be posted on the MIS Secure Area is currently planned to reside on the OSPD website: –Many users outside the MP community (research, academics) –Unable to issue digital certificates because they are currently tied to DUNS numbers. –MPs would not be prompted for credentials and could access the site via MIS Portal –All links to CEII would be posted on MIS Portal ERCOT is planning to post restricted info (CEII) to the OSPD website. Protocols:Issue: * The portion of the MIS that is available only to registered users.
TPTFDecember 18, 2007 Posting Content Not Required by Protocols 12.2ERCOT Responsibilities (1)ERCOT shall post information to the MIS as directed throughout these Protocols. With the exception of information requested by a Market Participant in accordance with (3) below, ERCOT may not use the MIS to post information beyond that specifically required in these Protocols. (2)ERCOT may use its Internet web site to communicate information that is not posted to the MIS. ERCOT Legal interprets to fit the Protocol definition of MIS Public. incorporates MIS Public and also contains other public information. If ERCOT requires a change to Protocols before it can post new information to MIS Public, ERCOT will not be able to respond quickly to market needs. Recent examples of content added to –Substation Name Change to accommodate nodal market. This changes requires TDSPs to rename substation codes on ESIIDs –Resource Site Name to Mnemonic Dictionary was posted to support analysis of historical Resource Plan Detail (the latter a protocol requirement) ERCOT recommends changing the language in Section 12 Protocols:Issue: Section 2: Market Information System An electronic communications interface established and maintained by ERCOT that provides a communications link to the public and to Market Participants, as a group or individually.
TPTFDecember 18, 2007 Recommended Revisions to Section Overview (1)ERCOT shall create and maintain an electronic Market Information System (“ERCOT Market Information System” or “MIS”). Part of the MIS contains information available to the public in the MIS Public Area; part of the MIS contains information available only to applicable Entities in the MIS Secure Area; and part of the MIS contains information available only to an individual Market Participant in the MIS Certified Area. The MIS Secure Area provides restricted access to critical energy infrastructure information. (2)ERCOT shall also create and maintain an Internet website, which will include the MIS Public Area and public information of general content not required by Protocols. (3)ERCOT shall also create and maintain a website of restricted information that meets the criteria of Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEII) accessible from ERCOT’s Internet website by Market Participants and registered users. (4)ERCOT shall post on the Internet website notice of public market information posted within a minimum of the last 45 days, starting with most recent posting.
TPTFDecember 18, 2007 Recommended Revisions to Section ERCOT Responsibilities (1) ERCOT shall post information to the MIS as directed throughout these Protocols. With the exception of information requested by a Market Participant in accordance with (3) below, ERCOT may not use MIS Secure Area or MIS Certified Area to post information beyond that specifically required in these Protocols ERCOT Internet Website ERCOT shall create and maintain an Internet website consistent with industry standards for commercial websites, including query and search functionality. The MIS or a link to the MIS must be available from that Internet website. ERCOT may use its Internet web site to communicate information that is not posted to the MIS Secure Area or MIS Certified Area.
TPTFDecember 18, 2007 Posting Content Not Required by Protocols 12.2 (3)To the extent a request is reasonable, in ERCOT’s sole discretion, ERCOT shall post to the MIS Certified Area information that is requested by a Market Participant but not required to be posted by these Protocols (b)The MIS must, at a minimum, provide all information required under any regulations of the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT) or other Governmental Authorities (c)The MIS must include any available information that may be used by a Qualified Scheduling Entity (QSE) to estimate or verify bills for all ERCOT- provided settlements. The View by Protocols index will offer navigation to that content specifically required by Protocols. We plan to build two versions of the View by Protocols index: Protocols:Clarification: Other content may also reside on MIS due to these three requirements. One on the MIS Portal with links to MIS Public, MIS Secure and MIS Certified content A second index on with links only to MIS Public information.