Todd Staton
Various uses for school funding ◦ Teacher Pay ◦ New books and supplies ◦ Funding educational departments
STEM- Science, Technical, Engineering, and Math ◦ Provides priority and extra funding towards STEM programs and classes ◦ Passed by president Obama to raise test scores in Math and Science areas, along with funding more technical education and engineering classes
Government funding for schools has steadily been decreasing ◦ Programs like STEM funding have been counteracting the drop in school funding
Creating a lesson plan Testing lesson plan to make sure it is practical Setting up a teaching date at an Elementary school Finding a mentor to help with making the final lesson plan Changing site to Clayton High School
Site-Clayton High School Gave lectures on how to create better buildings or improve existing ones. Started the lessons by going over the basic parts of any structure and then going in-depth as it was convenient.
Start of lesson- Thank everyone for taking the time to show up. Start actual lesson by explaining what makes a house a house and how to make each individual piece of the structure stable and efficient. Talked about how different components worked and proper installation of certain parts of homes such as electrical outlets
My mentor was Mrs. Drian; the French teacher at Clayton High School. She helped me create a lesson plan for teaching and provided me with advice on how to handle the lesson and transitions from topic to topic.
Challenges ◦ Creating a lesson plan ◦ Teaching up to 5 classes (X total) ◦ Finding cheap “building materials” ◦ Getting elementary schools to prioritize scheduling my teaching days Successes ◦ Spending less than $60 on “building materials” ◦ Organizing the final teaching day AND the back-up teaching plan ◦ Finding a mentor ◦ Gaining the initiative to start funding my product instead of getting money from my parents to buy everything
I have learned that this project is very time consuming and very tedious to do if you even slightly begin to fall behind. I have learned that making a lesson plan is a lot harder than I initially thought and that teaching is a giant pain. I also learned that I do not have the patience to be a full time teacher so that is one less career choice for me in the future.
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