This material is based upon work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science under Cooperative Agreement DE-SC Michigan State University designs and establishes FRIB as a DOE Office of Science National User Facility in support of the mission of the Office of Nuclear Physics. Paul Chu Lattice and Model
Motivation Model Server design LCLS Model Database Service layer Prototype and path forward Outline P. Chu, Controls Database Collaboration, 17 Nov 2011, Slide 2
Providing a universal model environment Different accelerators may use different modeling tools but some applications can be shared Universal API useful for future application development Connection to control systems Centralized model computation Reducing application complexity Model results shared Client apps same for both online tuning and offline analysis Simple, clean API for all model needs Motivation P. Chu, Controls Database Collaboration, 17 Nov 2011, Slide 3
Overview P. Chu, Controls Database Collaboration, 17 Nov 2011, Slide 4
Using XAL data structure XAL accelerator hierarchy suitable for holding model data Set/get model data to/from XAL (data access API) Advantage: it is in Java, i.e. supporting Matlab, Jython Using Java or scripting language to generate non-XAL model input files Prototyped for IMPACT (in Python) Using scripting language to parse non-XAL model output files Using scripting language for model run control Start/stop/abort a model run Scheduling on cluster Monitoring run status by checking a meta file Saving data to file system, then relational database Data storage similar to LCLS MACHINE_MODEL schema Preliminary Design P. Chu, Controls Database Collaboration, 17 Nov 2011, Slide 5
Initialization Establish CA and DB connection Construct Accelerator object For live machine model, programmatically generate the input file Schedule/run model, monitor progress Collect model run result Insert model run result into XAL data structure Update model service data In-memory DB for quick access Store persistent data in RDB Client apps access model data via API Model Run Control [1] P. Chu, Controls Database Collaboration, 17 Nov 2011, Slide 6
Adapters between XAL and non-XAL models for both input and output Arrange/schedule model runs Monitoring run status for offline tracking Hook to service provider Model Run Control [2] P. Chu, Controls Database Collaboration, 17 Nov 2011, Slide 7
Model run on standalone app, on-demand based 3 databases – production, QA and production-for-external-use Model data entered in Oracle DB with JDBC PL/SQL procedural calls for data validation, integrity check Failover protection Model data indexed for better performance LCLS Machine_Model Schema [1] P. Chu, Controls Database Collaboration, 17 Nov 2011, Slide 8
LCLS Machine_Model Schema [2] P. Chu, Controls Database Collaboration, 17 Nov 2011, Slide 9 10 tables Table Name# of Cols# of IndexesSizeTablespace DEVICE_TYPES7364KMACHINE_MODEL ELEMENT_MODELS MMACHINE_MODEL GOLD72128KMACHINE_MODEL HARDWARE_SETTINGS6264KMACHINE_MODEL INITIAL_CONDITIONS6264KMACHINE_MODEL MODEL_DEVICES104304MMACHINE_MODEL MODEL_LINES6264KMACHINE_MODEL MODEL_MODES7364KMACHINE_MODEL RUNS145448KMACHINE_MODEL XML_DOCS131128KMACHINE_MODEL 29 views mainly for individual beamlines and grouped parameters Courtesy E. Grunhaus
29 views mainly for individual beamlines 5 beamlines ~2500 elements for the LCLS “FULL MACHINE” line Total data after 3 years ~2 GB, ~10 runs per day while operating Support DESIGN and EXTANT models LCLS Machine_Model Size Estimate P. Chu, Controls Database Collaboration, 17 Nov 2011, Slide 10
DEVICE_TYPES: link to the component tables ELEMENT_MODELS: actual model data GOLD: keep track of GOLD model history HARDWARE_SETTINGS: link to SCORE (data correlation) INITIAL_CONDITIONS: can be used for different initial beam conditions. Not in use for now. MODEL_DEVICES: machine settings for model run input MODEL_LINES: beamlines MODEL_MODES: can distinguish, say, different MPS or running modes RUNS: different model runs, e.g. date, design/extant, comments etc. XML_DOCS: can save model data as XML files LCLS Machine_Model Schema details P. Chu, Controls Database Collaboration, 17 Nov 2011, Slide 11
Communication protocol – TBD XML-RPC, JSON-RPC for simple data types PVAccess? How to package and transport model data Mainly simple data such as getBetaX(), getEmitX(), getEnergy() Maybe getAllBetaFor(a_beamline_section), getAllBetaFor(all_magnets) Broadcasting/on-demand pulling/Subscription to a service Service Layer P. Chu, Controls Database Collaboration, 17 Nov 2011, Slide 12
XAL data structure and access API is basically ready Maybe need convenient wrapper API XML-RPC based service prototyped for data communication Is PVAccess/PVData ready for complex data structure? Lattice DB schema can base on LCLS MACHINE_MODEL Need IRMIS data access API for Lattice Prototype and Path Forward P. Chu, Controls Database Collaboration, 17 Nov 2011, Slide 13