Concho Valley Service Delivery Plan
Step 1: Develop a basic template for use in each County that incorporates: 1. Statement of Requirement 2. Goals and Objectives 3. Needs Assessment 4. Assets Available 5. Planning Assumptions 6. Method of Service 7. Projected Outcomes
Statement of Requirement To develop a comprehensive service delivery plan to ensure that workforce development services are provided throughout _________ County.
Goals and Objectives 1.Serve all eligible Choices, Food Stamp & Welfare-to-Work clients. 2. Provide GED, ESL and/or literacy 3. Provide child care services 4. Serve all eligible WIA clients 5.Provide Employment Services (Project RIO, Veterans, TAA/NAFTA, Migrant & Seasonal Farm Workers) 6. Link with employers 7. Link with providers 8. Link with partners
Needs Assessment 1. Known Sources a. Food Stamp rolls b.TANF Choices & Welfare-to-Work c. Child Care d.Tex. Dept. of Protective & Regulatory Services e. ES – TWC Host Regulations f. Public Schools g. Alternative Schools A. Clients
Needs Assessment (con’t) h. County Health Departments i. Chambers of Commerce j. Child Care providers k. Job Corp
Needs Assessment (con’t) 2. Unknown Sources a. Adult Probation b. Dislocated workers c. Youth d. County and/or Tx. A & M Extension Agents e. Day labor source f. Library g. Churches h. Social service agencies
Needs Assessment (con’t) B. Identifying Potential Providers 1. Churches/Faith-based organizations 2. Community-based organizations 3. Government Agencies 4. Educational entities 5. Alcohol & Drug Abuse agencies 6. Private businesses/organizations
Needs Assessment (con’t) C. Identifying Employer Needs 1. Chambers of Commerce 2. Economic Development (City Gov’t) 3. Vocational schools/high schools 4. Newspaper 5. School-to-Work
Needs Assessment (con’t) D. Transportation E. Facilities F. Literacy education G. Child Care H. Partners I. Type of Service J. Equipment K. Money
Assets Available Your needs assessment will determine what assets are available, where there may be gaps and what barriers to employment will exist within that County.
Planning Assumptions A.Workforce structure will remain as outlined in H. B B. Funding at current level C. Staff availability
Method of Service A. Workforce Center B. Satellite – full-time C. Satellite – part-time D. Telecenter E. Roving case manager F. Self-service G. No In-County service H. Other options I. Combinations
Projected Outcomes A. Efficient use of funds B. Return on investment C. Expanded coverage D. Lower unemployment E. Serve more clients in their own counties F. Increase client population G. Employer-driven program H. Develop partnerships I. Refine provided services J. Meet goals and objectives
Projected Outcomes (con’t) K. Expand availability of child care services L. Improve/increase child care services M. Expand availability of transportation N. Increase community presence O. Increase community awareness P. Modernize services Q. Expand use of technology in service delivery
Step 2: The workgroup meets with the County Judge, representative Board members and employers to review and finalize the service delivery plan.
Step 3: A. Implementation 1. Locate facility or facilities, if needed 2. Equip the facility or facilities 3. Hire staff 4. Provide designated services