Research Online Scotland’s Labour Market Intelligence Hub Ashley Rhymer and Mark Steell Skills Development Scotland 9 March 2012
Skills Development Scotland Contents 1.Background 2.How it works 3.New features 4.Questions
Skills Development Scotland Make it work for SDS Scotland’s Labour Market Intelligence Hub Managed by the Skills Development Scotland Evaluation and Research team SDS’ principal contribution to the LMI Framework SDS has made a number of enhancements Now includes Careers- related material
Skills Development Scotland Access via SDS’ corporate website IDOX Information Solutions maintain and host the site Content includes journal articles, abstracts of books, reports and grey literature Legacy – all seminal material since 2001 Scans over 100 websites and 100 journals Updated regularly – with fortnightly alerts Almost 10,000 items on the hub Research and analysis from around the world Free to contribute, free to use
Skills Development Scotland Choose to be alerted to specific topics or all newly added material Topics include careers, education and lifelong learning, skills and VET, economy and population, enterprise, unemployment, employment, equality and pay Choose the frequency of your alerts
Skills Development Scotland Search box/remote window for partner sites Now available on the following websites: SDS, Scottish Qualifications Authority andScottish Qualifications Authority Improvement Service Coming soon on the Highlands and Islands Enterprise website Search box can be installed on any partner website. Contact us for more information.
For more information contact Ashley Rhymer Labour Market Researcher Skills Development Scotland Research Online Scotland’s Labour Market Intelligence Hub