Increased Delegation to Schools Consultation briefings
Why? More choice and local control Protect and improve those services that schools need and value Reduce the perceived financial difference between academies and maintained schools Don’t have to be an academy to gain the additional service choices and freedoms
Dedicated Schools Grant £877m
Centrally Managed Services £71m
Proposals for the £71m N.B. Retained services include some statutory responsibilities ‘Cannot delegate’ – these are not universal services
Delegation Consultation Around £40m proposed for delegation or devolution; only 3.6% of DSG remaining centrally More funding moved to the ‘front line’ Fairer distribution than the academy method Devolution offered as option for some ‘difficult to delegate’ services
School Views General principle of greater delegation Are these the right ones to delegate? Consider the risks and benefits More cash; more responsibility Specialisms disappear or more difficult to access Need not matched by money Opportunity to spend differently Residual services more costly - but more effective? Formula distribution factors – move from subjective to objective
Service Buy-back New service offers in September Edukent - new one point of access for all KCC services; common systems; greater efficiency Greater flexibility and choice of service provision, but including grouped packages Maintain and enhance what schools want. Benefits of central provision but driven by schools
Timetable 31 July consultation ends Delegation decisions by October Service specifications published September/October School decisions required November Services start and budgets delegated April 2012