Vocabulary Unit 3 Words 11 -20
Pacifist (n) Unit #3 Word # 11 One who is against war or use of violence Martin Luther King was a famous pacifist who had a strong influence on the Civil Rights Movement. Synonym: peacemaker Antonym: warmonger
Unit #3 Word # 12 Queue (n) A line of people (in an organized manner) waiting for something The long queue at the bus stop indicated that a bus had not come for a while. Synonym: row Antonym: crowd
Restrict (v) Unit #3 Word #13 To keep within set limits; confine Doctors often advise their patients to restrict their intake of salty foods. Synonym: Limit Antonym: Expand
Sage (adj) Unit #3 Word #14 Wise My aunt gives me very sage advice when I am struggling with a decision. Synonym: Antonym: foolish
Terrain (n) Unit #3 Word #15 The landscape, with regard to physical features Mountain bikes are designed to stand up to even the most rugged terrain. Synonym: Territory
Vocation (noun) Unit #3 Word # 16 Any trade, profession or occupation After many years of searching, she found her vocation as a computer programmer. Synonym: Career
Vow (n) Unit #3 Word #17 Solemn or sacared promise A bride and groom make a vow to love, honor and respect one another. Synonym: Pledge
Waylay (v) Unit #3 Word #18 To lie in wait for and attack Thugs often choose to waylay travelers as they make their way back home. Synonym: ambush
Vindicate (v) Unit #3 Word #19 To clear from blame My sister was so grateful that she was able to vindicate herself after being accused of stealing. Synonym: acquit Antonym: convict
Wither (verb) Unit #3 Word #20 To dry up, wilt or sag Despite my best efforts, I can not manage to keep my plants alive; they all wither and die. Synonym: shrivel Antonym: bloom