Phillip Wu Long 10/27/14 Period 4A Report on the Computer Programmer
What is a Computer Programmer? And What are their Responsibilities? Computer programmers write code for computers and software that make up most of the computer. Many of the software ranges from a variety of things such as programs and drivers, though all of them act as instructions for the computer to follow. They are responsible for the software and programs within a computer that allow it to properly operate.
Education and Training Requirements Computer programmers divert into a variety of majors in college, with studies such that are but not limited to Management Information Systems, Computer Science, and Computer Programming.
Essential Skills and Work Habits Successful Computer Programmers are known for having a strong understanding of their work, and keeping a pragmatic mindset as they develop software. Many programmers and successful people in general make it a habit to NOT procrastinate, start early, and deliver often especially with ideas and builds in the making in order to gain feedback.
Job Outlook Employment of computer programmers is projected to grow 72 percent from 2012 to Computer programming is a profession done everywhere in the world, and thus programmers can be hired in countries with lower wages. It’s a rapidly growing profession that is spreading around the world.
Postsecondary Education Like all other important occupations, computer programmers must obtain a college degree. By doing so, they must take into account a variety of things such as: 1. Entrance requirements 2. First year courses 3. Time needed to complete certification 4. Costs and Finances
Entrance Requirements Academic requirements for a computer college range from a variety of subjects such as computer science, further mathematics, physics, chemistry and electronics. Out of all of these subjects, the understanding of mathematics is most essential out of all of them.
First year programs There are a variety of first year programs that one will take upon entering a college studying in computer programming, many of them including Calculus I & II (And applied) Basic statistical methods Fluency with technology Applied programming Data structures and abstraction
Length of Time Though most employers require a bachelor’s degree in computer programming which is 4 years, Some require an IT degree which is 10 years including the bachelor’s degree. A student completing an IT degree on a half-time basis will take 8 years instead (including the bachelor’s degree).
Costs In district, the total amount would be around $7,000. $6,000 going into tuition and another $1000 into books on average.
Salary Range The average computer programmer makes around $74,280, the lowest 10% earning less than 42,850, and the top 10% earning around $117,890
Works Cited programmer programmer psci/ psci/ technology/computer-programmers.htm#tab-5 technology/computer-programmers.htm#tab programmers_