Name: Jacob McMahon Date: January 23 Hour 3
Introduction I first got introduced to computer programming when I found out my friends dad was one. They had a two story house, trampoline, three game systems, and a 42 in flat screen tv. They also had 4 computers. He worked for Dell and I thought that it must be a good job that they have all they stuff they do. So I looked into it more and it sounds like something I can do.
Develop software Create computer games Design and test software Create business applications Must be experts in computing systems and the structure of software
Indoors in comfortable offices. Forty hours a week Mental Quite environment Usually alone
2 years of college Major in mathematics High value of skill and experience Strong problem solving skills Keep up to date in the latest technology Employers give free education to keep employees up to date with technology Need a bachelor degree in computer science or mathematics.
Computer and software programmers have secure jobs Employment rate is supposed to increase by 32 percent in the next few years Jobs are being created for computer programmers Computer and software programmers are in high demand Jobs will increase when technology evolves
Software publishers earn Eighty seven thousand per year Most payments for computer programmers are 85 k per year 10 percent of computer programmers get paid under 60k Most get paid over 75k If you are a computer and peripheral equipment manufacturer you get paid 100k
Fishers and fishing vessel operations: Long hours away from home Mostly self employed Make about 30k a year. Dangerous job because, of weather Physical strength needed Always outdoors
I want to be a computer programmer or a software programmer. I want to be one of those because I already spend 40 hours a week typing on a computer on facebook. The thing I look forward to most is the pay. I will be able to support my family if I do get a job in this department. It is also a very safe job. I could also work from home which would be very nice.