David J Parker MVP (Visio) bVisual ltd Microsoft Visio 2010
3 Agenda Visio Premium 2010 Visio Evolution 2010 Investment Areas Easier… To use To validate To share Demo Which SKU for you?
4 Visio Evolution Data refreshable diagrams on server Adopt Office 2007 Ribbon Simplify diagram creation & manipulation Capture the logical structure of diagrams Visio 2010 Linking data to diagrams Visualization of data on shapes Automatic refresh from data Faster creation of diagrams Presentation-quality diagrams Visio 2007
5 Visio 2010 Pillars
6 Ease of Use Office Fluent User Interface Ribbon UI Live Preview Visio chrome enhancements Shapes Window Page tabs Diagramming improvements AutoConnect Auto Size page Dynamic grid Shape visual refresh
7 Fluent UI and other interface changes
8 Process Management Flowcharting experience Insert & delete shapes Incremental layout Cross-functional flowchart Structured diagrams Containers, callouts, lists Diagram validation Sub-process Sharing processes Diagram repository Visual designer for SharePoint workflows
9 Visio 2010 Process Investments Experiences Diagrams Features Ease of Use Structure SharePoint Integration Basic Flowchart Cross-functional Flowchart SharePoint Workflow BPMN Foundation Align & Space Containers SharePoint Workflow Validation Insert & Delete Callouts Sub-process Repository Change Direction Lists Visual Refresh Infinite Page Layout Structured DiagramsDrawing Surface Incremental Layout Layout Regions Cross-functional Layout Avoid Page Breaks Flowchart Routing AutoConnect Dynamic Grid Smooth Transitions Display Level NoQuickDrag Container Management Callout Management List Management Structured Diagram API Connectivity API
10 Visio Services Diagram publishing Generate.VSP file Rendering & navigation SharePoint web part UI PNG rendering Silverlight XAML rendering Overlay API Data connectivity & refresh Data sources: SQL, WSS Lists, Excel Services Data Graphics refresh
11 How Visio Services works Creator Database Consumer Create Data-linked Diagram just as in Visio 2007 Generate proprietary “VDW” file to SharePoint Server 2010 Consumer requests updates The server returns a PNG or XAML representation of a refreshed Data Graphics Consumers can navigate, refresh & open the diagram in Visio 2010 SharePoint ® Server 2010
12 How Visio Services works Creator Database Consumer Visio Services
13 Project to Visio – Visual Reports
14 Visio from Project – Imported Data Timelines Gantt Charts
16 Visio 2010 – Three SKUs
17 Server Features - Rendering New File Format - VDW Metro package XAML and metadata needed for rendering Visio 2010 client can Edit and Save / full fidelity Rendering supports Shape Data Data Graphics Hyperlinks Rendering does not support Sub-Selection and double-click Layers render no matter visibility Smart tags - Actions Custom patterns and line ends render as the default pattern (solid) Ink and Comments are ignored Adding / Removing / Moving shapes only Data Graphics are refreshed
18 Visio Web Part Included in SharePoint ® 2010 Only VDW Configuration options Diagram Open in Visio Auto Refresh Interval Web Part Connections
19 Server Features – Data Refresh Refreshable DataRecordSets VDW is read-only Supported Data Sources SQL SharePoint Lists Excel Services OLE DB / ODBC Custom Data Adapters Does not support Access / Excel (JET & ACE) SQL Analysis Services
20 Server Features – Data Adapters Custom Data Adapters Refresh custom datarecordsets Client side development Handle create / refresh operations Set CommandString property Server side development Configure & return DataSet
21 PowerPoint Template Subtitle color Example of a slide with a subhead Set the slide header to “Title Case” Set subheads in “sentence case” Generally set subhead to 32pt or smaller so it will fit on a single line The subhead color is defined for this template but must be selected; In PowerPoint 2007, it is the fifth font color from the left
22 Sample Fill PowerPoint Guidelines Font, size, and color for text have been formatted for you in the Slide Master Use the color palette shown below Hyperlink color: Sample Fill
23 Slide for Showing Software Code Use this layout to show software code The font is Consolas, a monospace font The slide doesn’t use bullets but levels can be indented using the “Increase List Level” icon on the Home menu To use straight quotes " instead of smart quotes ”, do this: 1.Click on the Office Button in the upper left corner 2.At the bottom of the menu, choose PowerPoint Options 3.From the left pane, select Proofing 4.Click on the AutoCorrect Options button 5.Select the AutoFormat As You Type tab, and deselect “Straight quotes” with “smart quotes”. Then Click OK.
24 Table Format Table Title Column 1Column 2Column 3Column 4Column 5
25 Bar Chart Example
26 Pie Chart Example
27 Related Content Breakout sessions
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