Multiple Intelligences Tammy Duvall
Purpose Purpose Who is Howard Gardner? Who is Howard Gardner? Theory of Multiple Intelligences Theory of Multiple Intelligences The 8 Intelligences (Video Clip) The 8 Intelligences (Video Clip) Check for Understanding #1, #2, #3, #4#1#2#3#4 Connection to Technology Connection to Technology Resources Resources Visual-SpatialNaturalisticInterpersonalIntrapersonal Logical- Mathematical Verbal-LinguisticBodily-KinestheticMusical-Rhythmical
This presentation will describe the theories and contributions of Howard Gardner, and their applications to classroom technology use.
Who is Howard Gardner? Who is Howard Gardner? John H. and Elisabeth A. Hobbs Professor of Cognition and Education, Harvard Graduate School of Education (1998- present) Senior Director of Harvard University 's Project Zero Project Zero Theorist behind Multiple Intelligences Picture obtained from:
Gardner, H. (2004). A multiplicity of intelligences: In tribute to Professor Luigi Vignolo. Scientific American. Obtained from: %20A%20Multiplicity%20REVISED.pdf %20A%20Multiplicity%20REVISED.pdf Image obtained from: piechart.gif&imgrefurl= g=__L35jp516ucInbBNun4- 7pBeEJco=&h=450&w=600&sz=17&hl=en&start=11&zoom=1&itbs=1&tbn id=JFauyjE7muogTM:&tbnh=101&tbnw= Intelligence is more than IQ Human beings possess all of these intelligences All humans, “exhibit different profiles of intelligences.”
Howard Gardner speaks briefly about his Multiple Intelligences theory. (Note: Ability to access YouTube is necessary to view this clip.)
“The ability to manipulate and create mental images in order to solve problems.” (Brualdi, 1996) Sensitivity to color, line, shape, form, space, and the relationships that exist between these elements. (Armstrong, 1994)
I’ll take care of the class pet! I’d love to start a rock collection! A person "who demonstrates expertise in recognition and classification of the numerous species - the flora and fauna - of her or his environment.” (Gardner, 1998)
A person who has a high level of intelligence in visual-spatial reasoning would most likely enjoy working on which of the following projects: ◦ a. Song composing a. Song composing ◦ b. Rock collection b. Rock collection ◦ c. 3-D model of the solar system c. 3-D model of the solar system ◦ d. Scavenger hunt d. Scavenger hunt
Click here to continue learning about Multiple Intelligences! Visual-spatial learners enjoy creating visual representations of their knowledge.
This project would be best for another type of learner! Click here to try again
I’m most comfortable working in a group! I excel in class discussions! Easily understands the intentions, desires, and motivations of others. Works effectively with others.
I prefer to work alone! I would enjoy writing in a journal! The ability to understand one's own feelings and motivations.
You need to select a leader to organize a class bake sale. Which type of learner should you choose? ◦ a. Intrapersonal a. Intrapersonal ◦ b. Interpersonal b. Interpersonal ◦ c. Naturalistic c. Naturalistic ◦ d. Visual-Spatial d. Visual-Spatial
Students with high levels of interpersonal intelligence enjoy working with others! Click here to continue learning about Multiple Intelligences!
This project would be best for another type of learner! Click here to try again
Math and Science are my favorite subjects! I like rational explanations! The ability to detect patterns, reason deductively and think logically. Usually associated with scientific and mathematical thinking.
The ability to effectively use language to express oneself orally or in writing.
Which type of career would be most appropriate for a learner with high levels of logical-mathematical intelligence? ◦ a. Guidance Counselor a. Guidance Counselor ◦ b. Poet b. Poet ◦ c. Park Ranger c. Park Ranger ◦ d. Computer Programmer d. Computer Programmer
Logical-Mathematical learners possess many of the skills necessary to be a successful computer programmer! Click here to continue learning about Multiple Intelligences!
This career would be more appropriate for another type of learner. Click here to try again
I like working with my hands! I think best when I’m doing something physical! Expertise in using your body to express ideas or feelings. Skilled in using their hands to produce or transform things.
I listen to music a lot! I often make tapping noises or sing while I work. Skill in the performance, composition, and appreciation of musical patterns. The ability to perceive, discriminate, transform and express musical forms.
A great team project for Bodily-Kinesthetic and Musical-Rhythmical learners would be: ◦ a. Choreographing a dance a. Choreographing a dance ◦ b. Writing a play b. Writing a play ◦ c. Completing a Science lab c. Completing a Science lab ◦ d. Current events debate d. Current events debate
This project allows both types of learners to use their strengths! Click here to continue learning about Multiple Intelligences!
This project would be better suited for other types of learners. Click here to try again
Armstrong, T. (1994). Multiple intelligences in the classroom. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, Retrieved from Brualdi, A. (1996). Multiple intelligences: Gardner's theory. ERIC Digest, Retrieved from Gardner, H. (2004). A multiplicity of intelligences: in tribute to professor luigi vignolo. Scientific American, Retrieved from 101%20A%20Multiplicity%20REVISED.pdf 101%20A%20Multiplicity%20REVISED.pdf Gardner, H. (1998). Are there additional intelligences? The case for naturalist, spiritual, and existential intelligences. In J. Kane (Ed.), Education, information, and transformation (pp ). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill-Prentice Hall. Gardner, H. (2000). Can technology exploit our many ways of knowing?. The Digital Classroom, Retrieved from %20of%20Knowing.pdf %20of%20Knowing.pdf Smith, M. (2008). Howard gardner and multiple intelligences. The Encyclopedia of Informal Education, Retrieved from Weiss, R. (2000). Howard gardner talks about technology. Training & Development, 54(9), Retrieved from 9c5b26a8a32b%40sessionmgr11&vid=1&hid=13&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d# 9c5b26a8a32b%40sessionmgr11&vid=1&hid=13&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#