1)Solve the problem with any kind of math model and explain what your math model represents. Mrs. Wiltgen had some Reese’s peanut butter cups. If she gave 4 to each of the fifth graders, she would have 7 PB cups left. If she gave 3 to each of them, she would have 32 left for Mr. Wiltgen to enjoy. How many peanut butter cups does Mrs. Wiltgen have? 2) You walk into your math class and there is a large sign that says “FRACTIONS ARE DIVISION.” Has your math teacher gone crazy? What does he or she mean by that? Give examples in words and pictures to explain your reasoning. 3) Solve the problem with any kind of math model and explain what your math model represents. Emma baked 258 bacon rolls and some fruit pies. She sold all the bacon rolls at 85 cents each and all the fruit pies at 95 cents each. If she collected a total amount of $298.15, how many fruit pies did she sell? 4) Complete IXL for 20 minutes, doing an activity recommended for Unit 4 noted on the teacher blog or a higher, more challenging activity. Parent signature: ___________ The activity(ies) I did were: Grade ____ Activity _________ 5) Jennifer came home and told her mother that there are 3,000,000 centimeters between the entrance to the Pearl Tower and the entrance to the Science and Technology Museum. Her mother responded, “I have no idea what you are talking about!!” How can you help Jennifer’s mother understand? Explain. 6) How many triangles do you see? Explain your strategy. 7) Study Links and Math Journal ______ 4.5 Study Links ______ 4.6 Study Links ______ 4.7 Study Links ______ 4.8 Study Links 8) The Great Wall is 5,500 miles long. If you were able to walk 25 miles a day, how long would it take you? Please give your answer in: Days Weeks Months Years 9) Finley, Garber and Harris are a banker, computer programmer, and secretary, but not necessarily in that order. Their first names are Alex, Bob, an Cynthia. Finley is neither the banker nor the secretary. Harris is not the secretary, and Alex is not the banker. Cynthia is older than both Garber and Harris. What is the complete name and occupation of each? Name _________________ Tic-Tac-Toe Homework for the week of Nov. 24, DUE THURSDAY
Tic-Tac-Toe Menu Directions Choose activities in a tic-tac-toe design. When you have completed three activities, you may decide to be finished. Or you may decide to keep going and complete more activities. I choose activities # ________, # __________, # __________, Additionally, I choose activities # __________, # __________, # __________, # __________ Do you have an idea for alternate activities you’d like to do instead for practice? Talk them over with your teacher. I prefer to do the following alternate activities: ___________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Reflection on Homework Choices (tell what you liked, what was challenging, why you made the choices you made, what you learned, etc.) Were you able to do the work independently? Describe the kind of help your parents or tutors gave you. __________________________________________________________________________________ Student Name: _________________________________________ Date: ______________________ PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT YOU HAVE ATTACHED ALL THE WORK YOU HAVE COMPLETED. IF IT IS A TECHNOLOGY ACTIVITY, MAKE SURE THAT YOUR PARENTS HAVE SIGNED THEIR NAME ON THAT BOX TO CONFIRM THAT YOU DID THE PRACTICE ACTIVITY FOR THE ALLOTTED TIME. THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR EFFORTS TO LEARN AND BECOME A BETTER MATHEMATICIAN.