STUDY PROGRAM EUROPEAN STUDIES IN ECONOMICS AND LAW prof. dr Marijana Carić Az új EU mesterképzés kidolgozása és megvalósítása az újvidéki Gazdaságtudományi és Mérnöki Menedzsment Tanszéken, Újvidék, november 28. Priprema i akreditacija novog EU master studijskog programa na Fakultetu za ekonomiju i inženjerski menadžment, Novi Sad, 28. novembar (HU-SRB/0901/221/170)
PROJECT TITLE Priprema i akreditacija novog EU master studijskog programa na Fakultetu za ekonomiju i inženjerski menadžment (HU – SRB 0901/221/170) Preparation and Accreditation of New Master EU Study Programme in FIMEK (HU – SRB 0901/221/170) Project manager: prof. dr Marijana Carić
UNIVERSITY BUSINESS ACADEMY IN NOVI SAD Four Faculties of the University “Business Academy” have received their accreditations in high education: Faculty of Law for Business and Justice, Novi Sad - social and humanistic field Faculty of Economics and Engineering Management, Novi Sad - tehnical and tehnological field Faculty of Stomatology, Pančevo - medical field Faculty for Management of Small and Medium-sized Companies, Belgrade - social and humanistic field
FACULTY OF ECONOMICS AND ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT IN NOVI SAD Teaching personnel Professors (full time) - 28 Professors (part time) - 11 Assistants – 27
STUDY PROGRAMS Study Programs All Faculties within the University Business Academy offer first, second, and third academic level study programs: 1.Basic Academic Studies 2.Graduate Academic Studies 3.Integrated Academic Studies 4.Specialist Academic Studies 5.Doctoral (PhD) Studies
INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION OF THE UNIVERSITY BUSINESS ACADEMY IN NOVI SAD European Academy of Finance, Celje, Slovenia (2005.) College of Business and Management "Baltazar Adam Krčelić", Zaprešić, Croatia (2006.) University of Information Technology and Managment in Rzeszow, Poland (2007.) Vadim Hetman Kyiv National Economic University, Ukraine (2007.) College of Applied and Legal Sciences "Prometej", Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska (2007.) University of Primorska, Koper, Slovenia (2007.) University FON of Skopje, First Private University, Macedonia (2008.) University of Córdoba, Spain (2008.) University of Business Studies, Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska (2008.) College of Business DOBA, Maribor, Slovenia (2008.) European Centre Maribor, Slovenija (2009.) National EURAXESS Network (2009.) European School of Economics in Rome, Italy (2009.) University of Szeged, Hungary (2010.) Technical University of Gabrovo, Bulgaria (2010.) Trnava University of Trnava, Slovakia (2010.) PAN-European University Bratislava Slovakia (2010)
European Studies in Economics and Law
STUDY PROGRAM The main characteristics of the study program “European Studies in Economics and Law“ are: –One- semester courses –Number of classes per week is 20, or 600 per year –A good balance has been achieved between lectures, practical classes and research study activities and semester. –A number of ECTS points has been assigned to each course, the total number of ECTS points per semester is 30, and 60 per year –In the semester there are 3 compulsory and one elective course, which is to be chosen among the offered three. In semester there are 2 electives which student chooses among three offered courses in each of the 2 groups. –The master paper is also an integral part of this program of master academic studies and is worth 10 ECTS points.
STUDY PROGRAM Standard 2. Study program purpose The “European Studies in Economics and Law“ master program is based on demands of the modern society development streams, and especially on the Serbian development of the last few years and, in advance, on the future eventual new social aspects. Purpose of this study program is, on one hand, academic, and on the other hand, practical. The necessity for young and competent professional worker in the area of economics and more specifically on the EU-related matters can not be denied. In order to answer this existing demands, our primary intention is to build a contemporary and modern program with academically well based knowledge but also with a practical approach, that will give the students all necessary competences in the areas of European Integration, on its economical legal and political aspects.
STUDY PROGRAM By completing the abovementioned master program, graduate students become capable experts in the area of EU integration, able to deal with numerous economical, legal and political questions and solve a variety of EU- related problems in a country. The purpose of the study program of master academic studies of “European Studies in Economics and Law“ is to give students appropriate knowledge in the area of historical, economical, financial, social, legal and political, framework of the European integration, which will be valuably added to the knowledge acquired at undergraduate academic studies.
STUDY PROGRAM Standard 3. Study program goals The “European Studies in Economics and Law“ master program is set in the framework of Serbia’s ongoing EU accession process, and is designed to serve specific objectives corresponding to strategic national policy as well as to an ever widening and changing pool of potential professional career possibilities in Serbia and the EU. Since the economic, political and labor market background is constantly changing, periodical revision of the study program goals might be necessary, especially in parallel with the start and advancement EU accession negotiations, harmonization of law and regulatory approximation, as well as the gradual opening of the EU market for goods, services, labor and capital from Serbia and the other way around.
STUDY PROGRAM Standard 4: Graduates’ competencies By completing the study program of “European Studies in Economics and Law“ graduate academic studies, students acquire following general knowledge: –they know the theory of international relations –they know the international economical process and their background theories –they know historical, political and legal framework of international relations –they know policies of the EU as well as its political and legal, institutional and economical system –they know theories about the international system and interactions between different civilizations –they know regional studies –they know problem-solving techniques of international analysis –they know professional and ethical norms
STUDY PROGRAM By completing the study program of “European Studies in Economics and Law“ graduate academic studies, students also acquire following abilities: –ability to make their own critically analysis on the field of international relations –ability to understand, predict and form international and European process –ability to prepare and make decisions on the field of international economics, policies and law –ability to participate in professional and scientific discussions –ability to use integrated knowledge in foreign relations and social studies –ability to construct international relations –ability to participate in international negotiations –ability to work as diplomats, experts, journalists, economics, researchers in public and private sectors
STUDY PROGRAM By completing the study program of “European Studies in Economics and Law“ graduate academic studies, students also acquire following competencies: –creativity and perspicacity –ability to draw an individual professional point of view –problem-centric vision, problem-solving capacity –responsible behavior in analyzing European relations –capacity of self education and training –tolerant, critical and cooperative behavior –methodological vision
STUDY PROGRAM Study program of » European Studies in Economics and Law « is in compliance with and comparable to: 1.Universite Libre de Bruxelss, Bruxelss, Belgium 2. Leiden University, Hague, Holland 3. Luiss Guido Carli, Libera Univerista Internazionale Degli Studio Sociali, Rome, Italy University of Tartu, Estonia
-project office -project library -project classroom with computers Facilities for European Studies In Economics and Law
Web site
Study visit to Szeged University - Students
Study visit to Szeged University – team members During the two days of lectures at the University of Szeged, the project team members were informed about the programs of the European Union, with the special emphasis on the programs specific to the field of education: Tempus, Erasmus Mundus, FP7, Jean Monnet etc.
Promotion - radio, TV, newspapers, internet, city lights
Promotion of EU master study Promotion was held in six towns in Vojvodina: Novi Sad, Kikinda, Kula, Vrbas, Sombor and Subotica
2012, EU master:
This event has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The content is the sole responsibility of Faculty of Economics and Engineering Management in Novi Sad and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union and/or the Managing Authority.