My Future Austin McKnight rd period
High School 2015, Distinguished. 2015, Distinguished. English I, II, III, IV English I, II, III, IV Math: Geometry, Algebra II, Pre-Calculus, Calculus, Trigonometry. Math: Geometry, Algebra II, Pre-Calculus, Calculus, Trigonometry. Soc. Stu.: World Geography History, A.M. History (2 nd half) Gov./Economics. Soc. Stu.: World Geography History, A.M. History (2 nd half) Gov./Economics. Science: Biology, Chemistry, Biology II, Physics. Science: Biology, Chemistry, Biology II, Physics. 2 years of a foreign language. 2 years of a foreign language. 0.5 years of fine, visual, or performing arts 0.5 years of fine, visual, or performing arts 0.5 years of academic electives. 0.5 years of academic electives.
College University of Washington, 1861, Seattle, Washington. University of Washington, 1861, Seattle, Washington. Act: Act: SAT: Critical reading SAT: Critical reading Math Math Writing Writing GPA: 3.75, with really good essay. GPA: 3.75, with really good essay.
Career Electrician Engineer. Electrician Engineer. Dream Job: Computer Programmer. Dream Job: Computer Programmer. Career job requirements: Bachelor’s degree. 3 years of vocational training. 4 years of technology classes. 2 years of foreign languages. I will have to know how to work as a team.
Campus of Washington