Organisations helping the disadvantaged Social Disadvantage – Travelling community (Traveller support groups, training centres), Immigrants (National Immigration Support Service), Single parents (Social Welfare Department), drug / alcohol dependency (Rehabilitation Centres) Economic Disadvantage – Long term unemployed – Social Welfare Department, Unemployment Resource Centre Educational Disadvantage – Early school leavers, untreated / unidentified educational illness, Poor literacy skills (Adult Literacy Centres, Further Education Colleges support services) Second Generation disadvantage – Targeted government funding for disadvantaged areas
Unemployment rate in excess of 14% Significant increase in long term unemployed Need for retraining evident Government cuts in Education funding Reduced funding available to voluntary organisations Increased number of volunteers Some current issues in Ireland
St. Vincent de Paul St. Vincent de Paul is an international voluntary Catholic Christian organisation. The Society has been in Ireland for 164 years and has extensive experience of working with a diverse range of people who experience poverty and exclusion The aim of the St Vincent de Paul Society is to tackle poverty in all its forms through the provision of practical assistance to those in need. Visiting the sick, the lonely, and the imprisoned forms a large proportion of the Society's work. Funding: They have charity shops around the country where 2nd hand items can be bought. To raise funds this organisation holds many fundraising events The organisation has volunteers who help the disadvantaged, working directly with them calling to peoples houses with food, clothes etc. and helping at the many fundraising events.
Centres organised and funded through the Irish Congress of Trade Unions Development of information and advocacy services and other supports Development of education, training and lifelong learning services, including staff development Resources – Provision of IT, newspaper, jobsearch resources to Unemployed people Funding – Through Trade Union movement, fundraising events Employment Resource Centre
Nasc – Irish immigration support service Develop outreach programmes with asylum seekers, refugees and immigrants in the Cork area; In consultation with asylum-seekers, refugees and immigrants, to identify and implement a range of voluntary services; To liaise with relevant official and voluntary bodies in the Cork and Munster region; To develop anti-racism education programmes, campaigns and initiatives; To participate in discussion and policy formulation on issues relating to asylum and immigration policy. Irish Immigration Support Service
Access to “second chance” education Retraining for Unemployed Support services for adults with learning and physical disability Vocational courses Supportive grant and social funding structure (Vocational training Opportunities Scheme, Back to Education allowance) Government funded – new €200 registration fee Clear progression routes to higher education Role of Further Education Colleges