Florida Operational Level Hazardous Materials Training Program Florida Operational Level Hazardous Materials Training Module 3 Unit 1 Determining Operational.


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Presentation transcript:

Florida Operational Level Hazardous Materials Training Program Florida Operational Level Hazardous Materials Training Module 3 Unit 1 Determining Operational Goals

Florida Operational Level Hazardous Materials Training Program Unit Objectives q Describe potential roles of the operation responder q Identify the steps for determining objectives q Perform a hazard/risk assessment q Identify when withdraw may be indicated q Identify when and how to obtain assistance

Florida Operational Level Hazardous Materials Training Program Unit Duty to Act

Florida Operational Level Hazardous Materials Training Program Unit Goals q Awareness Level q Recognize/Identify q Isolate q Protect q Notify q Operational Level q Recognize/Identify q Isolate q Protect q Notify q Spill Control (Defensive) q Leak Control (Defensive) q Fire Control (Defensive) q Recovery/Terminate

Florida Operational Level Hazardous Materials Training Program Unit Your Role in Management q Assess actions of Awareness responders q Improve if necessary q Assess exposures (vulnerabilities) q Maintain defensive role q Obtain assistance q Technician level response if needed

Florida Operational Level Hazardous Materials Training Program Unit Risk/Benefit Analysis q What are the risks q What are your capabilities q What benefits can be gained q “No - win” situations (Losers)

Florida Operational Level Hazardous Materials Training Program Unit The Management Process (GEDAPER) q G ather information q E stimate potential course and harm q D etermine strategic goals q A ssess tactical options to meet goals q P lan and implement your actions q E valuate progress q R eview periodically Goals Next Page

Florida Operational Level Hazardous Materials Training Program Unit Goals for Haz-Mat Response q Recognize q Isolate q Protect q Notify q Spill Control q Leak Control q Fire Control q Recovery / Termination Don’t forget the goals

Florida Operational Level Hazardous Materials Training Program Unit Determine Operational Goals q After we gather information and estimate potential course and harm (hazard/risk assessment) we then determine our operational goals. q Risk/Benefit decision making

Florida Operational Level Hazardous Materials Training Program Florida Operational Level Hazardous Materials Training Activity 3.1 Identifying Goals

Florida Operational Level Hazardous Materials Training Program Florida Operational Level Hazardous Materials Training Module 3 Unit 2 Command and Safety

Florida Operational Level Hazardous Materials Training Program Unit Objectives q Identify the need for the use of an Incident Management System q Identify the responsibility to establish and enforce control procedures q Identify proper personal protective equipment q Identify the roles of the Safety Officer and EMS responders

Florida Operational Level Hazardous Materials Training Program Unit Managing the Scene q The Incident Command System q Required implementation (29 CFR ) q Complexity requires effective and efficient management of resources q Benefits to the use of the ICS q Manages resources, Personal accountability q Documentation, Effective communications

Florida Operational Level Hazardous Materials Training Program Unit The Incident Command System q Key terms q Unity of command q Span of control q Functions of Command (five) q Command, Operations q Finance, Logistics q Planning

Florida Operational Level Hazardous Materials Training Program Unit The ICS System Organization

Florida Operational Level Hazardous Materials Training Program Unit Command Post Operations q Location Considerations

Florida Operational Level Hazardous Materials Training Program Unit Scene Control

Florida Operational Level Hazardous Materials Training Program Unit Control Zones Incident Decontamination Entry Corridor HOT WARM COLD WIND Safe Refuge

Florida Operational Level Hazardous Materials Training Program Unit Protective Actions q Evacuation q Shelter in place

Florida Operational Level Hazardous Materials Training Program Unit Accomplishing Safety q Use of PPE q Minimum PPE is fire fighter protective clothing and PP/SCBA q Decontamination issue of FFPC q The Safety Officer q Requirements q Authority (Suspend, alter, terminate)

Florida Operational Level Hazardous Materials Training Program Unit The Safety Officer q Develops a “Site Safety Plan” q Initial safety plan q Site specific safe plan q Pre-entry briefing q Other Responsibilities q Insures accountability, decontamination q Proper PPE, assesses scene for all hazards

Florida Operational Level Hazardous Materials Training Program Unit Role of EMS During Incidents q Requirements q Primary Roles q Responder Monitoring q Treatment of Injuries q Monitoring q Medical evaluation q Pre-habilation and Rehabilitation

Florida Operational Level Hazardous Materials Training Program Unit Summary q The ICS q The Safety Officer q Roles of EMS

Florida Operational Level Hazardous Materials Training Program Florida Operational Level Hazardous Materials Training Module 3 Unit 3 Personal Protective Equipment

Florida Operational Level Hazardous Materials Training Program Unit Objectives q Describe the principles of hazards based response q Identify protective measure considerations for life saving rescues q Determine appropriate PPE q Identify basic capabilities and limitations of various types of PPE

Florida Operational Level Hazardous Materials Training Program Unit Hazard Based Response The process of developing personal protective measures designed to specifically address the hazards that are present at the scene in order to achieve an acceptable level of risk

Florida Operational Level Hazardous Materials Training Program Unit Hazard Based Response q Acceptable risk q Step 1: Identify hazards q Step 2: Develop measures to reduce each hazard

Florida Operational Level Hazardous Materials Training Program Unit Identify and Reduce Hazards q T hermal q E tiological q A sphyxiation q M echanical q C hemical q P sychological q R adiological

Florida Operational Level Hazardous Materials Training Program Unit Personal Protection q Minimum level of protection for Operational level responders

Florida Operational Level Hazardous Materials Training Program Unit Respiratory Protection q Air purifying respirators (APRs) q Limitations and use criteria q 100:1 PF for full face q Supplied air breathing apparatus (SABA) q Tethered air lines with escape capability q 10,000:1 PF for positive pressure q Positive Pressure SCBA q Highest level of protection, 10,000:1 PF

Florida Operational Level Hazardous Materials Training Program Unit Dermal Protection q Support garments (NFPA 1993) q Specialized thermal q Splash protective q Vapor protective

Florida Operational Level Hazardous Materials Training Program Unit Level “C” Protective Clothing q Respiratory: APR q Dermal: Splash q Limitations: q Must know contaminant q Must measure q Must have 19.5% O 2 q Must have proper filter

Florida Operational Level Hazardous Materials Training Program Unit Level “B” Protective Clothing q Respiratory:PP/SCBA or SABA q Dermal: Splash q Minimum for unknown q Limitations: q Not for IDLH skin q Excellent respiratory q Used for incidental splash only

Florida Operational Level Hazardous Materials Training Program Unit Level “A” Protective Clothing q Respiratory: PP/SCBA q Dermal: Vapor protective q Limitations: q No thermal protection q High heat stress hazard q Good for repeated contact or high vapor concentrations

Florida Operational Level Hazardous Materials Training Program Unit Summary Table of Levels

Florida Operational Level Hazardous Materials Training Program Unit Summary q Hazards based response q Personal protective equipment

Florida Operational Level Hazardous Materials Training Program Florida Operational Level Hazardous Materials Training Module Activity 3.3 “Hazard Based Response”