Sport Performance Training
Sport Scientist: Research
1990's Twist WBI Methods Linked Strength CKC Core Anaerobic Integrated Balance Loaded Movement
Kids Athletes Active Adults Licensed Sport-Fitness Gyms
Skilled & Powerful Movement
The Nature of Sport Complex environment Unpredictable Organized chaos Read-React-Respond Offensive / defensive tactics: time and space Multi-directional movement High intensity energy demands
Sustainable Training for Sport and Life!
Sport Movement Methods for Every-BODY If you can not move well, pain free, confidently YOU CANNOT PLAY
Is your world getting smaller or expanding?
PeakSustainable m
“Expand Your World” Be Your Best When Your Best Is Needed
Exercise Philosophy Train to Perform With Intent Challenge & interest the mind and body Structure + Range “Body Ready” “Mind Sharp” “Attitude Positive”
COGNITIVE VRS AUTONOMIC ATHLETE PERFORMANCE: Body knows what to do Techniques rehearsed Mind can come or go ATHLETIC TRAINING: Body and Mind are Present & Focussed Internally Calculating actions Figuring out what to do
BUILD A BODY THAT WORKS For MOTION For ACTION periodize layering of elements
There are no limits to what you can achieve!
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