THE OBJECTIVES OF THIS LESSON After attended this lecture student should be able to:- Outline the development of public administration Identify the political scholars and leaders that contribute to the development of public administration Explain the development of public administration in Malaysia.
INTRODUCTION The study on the history and development of public administration is actually focus on three major issues. The major scholarly movements that contribute to the formation and establishment of public administration. The institutional development of public administration The factors that are shaping the discipline.
THE MAJOR SCHOLARLY MOVEMENTS IN USA Early 16 century -The classic scholars such as Plato, Aristotle and Machiavelli. The birth of national state. The governors principally emphasized on moral and political human nature. The first Western expressions on the methodology of government. Max Weber (1864 – 1920) Theory of Bureaucracy. Mid – 1800s to 1930s - Lorenz von Stein (1815 – 1890) the founder of the science of public administration. Wodroow Wilson (1856 – 1924) the farther of public administration. The congressional government and of the major concept is Separation of politics and administration (political and administrative dichotomy).
1940s - Luther Halsey Gulick, III (1892 – 1993) summarized the duties of administrators with an acronym; POSDCORB, which stands for planning, organizing, staffing, directing, coordinating, reporting, and budgeting . Post- World War II - 1970s - The mid-1940s theorists challenged Wilson and Gulick. The politics-administration dichotomy remained the center of criticism in the third generation. In addition to this area of criticism, government itself came under fire as ineffective, inefficient, and largely a wasted effort.
1980s - In the late 1980s, yet another generation of public administration theorists began to displace the last. What was called New Public Management was proposed by David Osborne and Ted Gaebler . The new model advocated the use of private sector innovation, resources, and organizational ideas to improve the public sector. 1990s - In the late 1990s, Janet and Robert Denhardt proposed a new public service model. This model's chief contribution is a focus on Americans as "citizens" rather than "customers". Accordingly, the citizen is expected to participate in government and take an active role throughout the policy process.
Year 2000 - New public management (NPM) focusing on themes of reintegrating government responsibilities, needs-based holism (executing duties in cursive ways), and digitalization (exploiting the transformational capabilities of modern IT and digital storage).
PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION REFORMS IN MALAYSIA Pre-colonial Period ( before 1500) – The Malay Rulers dominated the state administration (Feudal System). Sultan appointed the administrative officials among the people to implement the Rulers’ Orders and Instructions. Maintaining law and Collecting taxes. British Colonial Period (1874 – 1957) – British colonial introduced British administration by following the Westminster (England) style of public service. British Colonial appointed British Residents to implement British Colonial Policy. British Colonial Civil Servants (MSC & MAS) played important roles in administering the Federated and Non-Federated Malaya States.
Post-Independent Period (1957 – 1970) – The first Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman established government of The Federation of Malaya and the formation of Malaysian in 1963. Parliamentary Democracy and Constitutional Monarchy by maintaining the British style of administration. The Federal Constitution and till now is the supreme law. Two types of Malaysian Civil Service was established to implement the government policy. The Diplomatic Service (PTD) and General Service (PTA). The government was the main provider of public services.
NEP Period (1971 – 1990) – The Mei 1969 tragedy NEP Period (1971 – 1990) – The Mei 1969 tragedy. Tun Abdul Razak (1971 – 1976) took over the Premiership from Tunku Abdul Rahman and established MAGERAN. Under Tun Razak NEP was formulated. Public administration played very important role in social and economic development. Look East Policy and BCA the motto of public administrative. (Red Book) Rural development was the focus eg: FELDA & FELCRA. MAMPU Modernization and Manpower Planning Unit (1977) . Continued by Tun Hussain Onn (1976 – 1981) & & Tun Dr. Mahathir. Development Era
1990s – Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohammad (1981 – 2003) became the fourth Prime Minister. He introduced the Vision 2020, Malaysian incorporated, privatisation and Islamization policy to change and improve the government. Several government agencies were privatized eg; Telekom and TNB. He established many government company (GLCs) to run government business (PROTON). MAMPU - Modernization and Manpower Planning Unit was established. The major government activities was on development of mega projects such as (development of KLIA). Public administration has become the major provider and facilitator of private activities. 1996 the government introduced MSC and e-government as the new initiative to increase the application of ICT in the public sector. PFI source of financing of government projects (development highways PLUS).
Year 2000 – Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi (2003 – 2009) as the fifth Prime Minister. Not many policy changes was introduced. The principles of Islam Hadhari, Concept of good governance and integrity (NIP) in the public sector was also introduced. The enhancement of ICT applications in the public sector. Government website as the online media to disseminate information and deliver services.
2009 - Datuk Seri Mohd Najib Tun Razak became the sixth Prime Minister 2009 - Datuk Seri Mohd Najib Tun Razak became the sixth Prime Minister. After the appointment, he Introduced 1Malaysia concept. Najib is also introducing KPI to ensure that every government agencies achieve the targets set by the government in delivering public services to citizens. The slogan “Rakyat didahulukan Pencapaian di utamakan”
CONCLUSION The development or evolution of public administration in a particular country is significantly related to the social and economic development of the state. The government and public administration is transforming themselves to maximize public value. The existence of contemporary public administration is significantly related to the past and present scenario to ensure that citizens get the best assistance from the government.
TUTORIAL DISCUSSION How the evolution and development of public administration in Malaysia? Who are the leaders that involve in designing the formations of the Malaysian public administration? What are the main institutional features of public administration in Malaysia?