S T A T I S T I K A U S T R I A 1 Statistics Austria and Academia Forms of Co-operation October 11, 2007 © STATISTIK AUSTRIA I n f o r m a t i o n e n Wir bewegen
S T A T I S T I K A U S T R I A 2 Why Co-operation with Academia? Co-operation has advantages for the work of the NSI of academia Data are a public good, should be used as efficient as possible Co-operation makes academia familiar with official statistics and the NSI Co-operation creates trust in the NSI by the public, contributes to a better image of the NSI
S T A T I S T I K A U S T R I A 3 Advantages for the Work of the NSI Extension of capacity Easy access to up-to-date methods and knowledge Transfer of know-how Improved competence in methods and subject matters Improved quality of data and statistical products Motivation of staff
S T A T I S T I K A U S T R I A 4 Advantages for the Work of Academia Access to areas of research which are otherwise inaccessible Access to micro-data Coauthored research Transfer of know-how Improved competence in methods and subject matters Official statistics are a valuable input for teaching
S T A T I S T I K A U S T R I A 5 Types of Co-operation Consultation of academic experts Coauthored work Provision of access to data
S T A T I S T I K A U S T R I A 6 Forms of Co-operation Consultation by advisory bodies Statistical Council (Statistikrat) Committee for Quality Assurance, feedback talks Advisory boards (Beiräte) of the Central Statistical Commission Contracts for coauthored or commissioned work Co-operation agreement with the Wirtschaftsuniversität (University of Economics and Business Administration, WU) Agreements with researchers on access to data
S T A T I S T I K A U S T R I A 7 Examples of Co-operation Partners for coauthored or commissioned work University departments Research institutes Institute for Advanced Sciences Joaneum Research Institut für Raumordnung Some projects Population projections Evaluation of the Austrian PISA results tourism statistics and agriculture and forestry statistics (accounts) Revision of Construction Cost Index
S T A T I S T I K A U S T R I A 8 Co-operation Agreement with the WU Signed in Oct 2006 Aims Transfer of competence Co-operation in empirical analyses of economic and social topics Facilitation of access to data of Statistics Austria for academic research and education Measures Implementation of bilateral empirical and methodological projects Provision of standardised micro data files (SDS, Public Use Files) Provision of micro data files tailored to the needs of the researcher (ADS) Workshops, seminars etc.
S T A T I S T I K A U S T R I A 9 Co-operation Activities NPO project Partner: Department for Social Policy of the WU Completion of the business register wrt NPOs based on tax data Survey of NPOs: size, activities, governance Goals Statistics Austria: to improve the quality of the system of national accounts Department for Social Policy: various research questions wrt NPOs Other projects deal with income distribution, profitability of education, etc.
S T A T I S T I K A U S T R I A 10 Co-operation Activities, cont’d Provision of standardized data sets (SDS) Anonymized micro data Samples from surveys Microcensus (2000 – 2006) Consumer survey 2004/05 EU-SILC ICT 2005 Migration 2005 Vital statistics 2005 (births, deaths, marriages, divorces, naturalizations) Wage tax statistics Accessible via Free access for everybody after registration Registration: ID, address, intended research
S T A T I S T I K A U S T R I A 11 Co-operation Activities, cont’d First Austrian EU-SILC Workshop 24 January 2007 About 10 research papers Discussion of user needs Some 75 participants, mainly young academics and advanced students From various academic disciplines and public bodies
S T A T I S T I K A U S T R I A 12 Ways forward Development of a remote access device to micro data Extension of the offer on micro data sets Provision of access to business micro data Disclosure control methods Exchange of experience up to collaboration with NSIs
S T A T I S T I K A U S T R I A 13 Thank you for your interest Visit us at