LECTURE Social policy of Kazakhstan. Ф КГМУ 4/3-04/03 ИП №6 от 14 июня 2007г. KARAGANDA STATE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY Department: History of Kazakhstan and political disciplines On disciplines:ОЕТ 1110 Bases of economic theory For specialty: General Medicine 5В Total hours: 90 (2 credits) Course: 1 Semester: 1, 2 Karaganda
Subject: Social policy of Kazakhstan. Purpose: To create at students idea of social policy, as to the specific sphere in public administration.
Plan of lecture: 1) Concept, essence and value of social policy of RK.
Social policy — a policy in the field of social development and social security. The actions directed on improving of quality and a standard of living of certain social groups.
Tasks of social policy: 1. stimulation of economic growth and production subordination to interests of consuming; 2. gain of labor motivation and business enterprise; 3. support of a due standard of living and social protection of the population.
Social protection — system of the actions realized by the state and public organizations on support of guaranteed minimum sufficient conditions of life, to maintenance of life and active existence of the person.
Mandatory medical insurance (MMI) is the form of social protection of interests of the population on protection of their health and represents the relations on rendering medical care within the basic program of mandatory medical insurance at the expense of fund of mandatory medical insurance.
Voluntary medical insurance (VMI) represents the relations on receiving by the insured citizens of supplementary medical services over set by the basic program of mandatory medical insurance.
Control questions: 1. State program of "Salamatta Kazakhstan" 2. Social policy
References: 1. Chesnokova I.A. Bases of economic theory. –Educational manual.-Karaganda p 2. Djakupova D.E. Bases of economic theory. –Educational manual.-Karaganda p