Project “Development of Transnational Network for Supporting Children and Families and for Deinstitutionalization of Child Care” EUROPEAN SOCIAL FUND 2007 – 2013 MINISTRY OF LABOUR AND POLICY OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME „HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT” INVEST IN YOUR FUTURE The Project is implemented with the financial support of the Operational Programme “Human Resources Development” 2007 – 2013, co-financed by the European Union (EU) through European Social Fund (ESF)
Project Background (1) Leading Organization: Social Inclusion Directorate, Ministry of Labour and Social Policy (MLSP) Leading Organization: Social Inclusion Directorate, Ministry of Labour and Social Policy (MLSP) Partner organizations from Bulgaria: State Agency for Child Protection (SACP), Agency for Social Assistance (ASP) Partner organizations from Italy: the Autonomous Sicily Region (in addition from the Italian side: two autonomous Italian regions - Calabria and Sardinia and the Italian autonomous province of Bolzano).
Project Background (2) Duration: 24 months / – / Target group: staff of MLSP, SACP, ASA and social workers from the territorial structures of ASA. Funding: Operational Programme "Human Resources Development" , co- financed by the European Social Fund
Project Objectives Main objective: - - Developing effective transnational cooperation, exchange of good practices and application of innovative models from public institutions in Bulgaria and Italy in the area of child-care policies Specific objectives: - - Creating a sustainable model of cooperation between Bulgaria and Italy via network for exchange of good practices, knowledge and experience in the area of child care; - - Providing support for innovative actions in the area of social protection and social inclusion of children at risk of abandonment and children in specialized institutions; - - Raising public awareness and enhancing the competences of experts and specialists in the area of deinstitutionalization policy.
Main activities (1) 1. Project administration and management; 2. Conducting public procurement procedures; 3. Participation of representatives of the Bulgarian side in studies of good practices, study visits and seminars for presentation of the positive experience in the process of deinstitutionalization and the reform in the system for supporting children and families in Italy; 4. Presentation of good practices, organization of study visits and seminars for presentation of the positive experience in the process of deinstitutionalization and the reforms in the system for supporting children and families in Bulgaria;
Main activities (2) 5. Collection and analysis of good practices in the area of deinstitutionalization of child care and the support to children and families in Bulgaria and Italy; 6. Development and maintaining of a website to promote the Project activities; 7. Development and publication of Catalogue of good practices in the area of child welfare, deinstitutionalization and the provision of community- based services for children in Bulgaria and Italy; 8. Transfer and adaptation of best practices through the dissemination of the Catalogue. Exchange of information and ideas by conducting interactive discussion forums;
Main activities (3) 9. Development of a methodology that provides an innovative model for deinstitutionalization based on the good results and practices in Italy and Bulgaria, and on analysis; 10. Information and publicity - development and printing of information materials on the process of deinstitutionalization and child and family policy.
Expected results (1) Conducting of 1 introductory visit, 4 study visits and 2 thematic seminars in Italy; Conducting of 1 introductory visit, 4 study visits and 2 thematic seminars in Bulgaria; Development of a fiche for good practices in the area of deinstitutionalization of child care and the support to children and families;
Expected results (2) Increasing public awareness and forming positive attitudes in the society; Dissemination of best practices and models; Enhancing communication among all parties involved in the project and ensuring the sustainability of project results; Development and publication of Catalogue of good practices in the area of child welfare, deinstitutionalization and the provision of community-based services for children in Bulgaria and Italy
Expected results (3) catalogues of good practices in the area of child welfare, deinstitutionalization and the provision of community-based services for children in Bulgaria and Italy distributed; Conducting of 4 interactive discussion forums for information exchange; Development and printing of Methodology pcs.; Conducting a closing conference and shooting a film about deinstitutionalization of child care.