Making a great Project 2 OCR 1994/2360
Analysis This is the key to getting it right. Too many candidates skip through this section. It’s worth 20% of the marks! Remember, it’s all about finding out about the CURRENT system. NEVER start by saying “I am going to make a database to…”
Analysis 1 – the problem What is the scenario? It’s surprising how many candidates forget to explain this! What are the problems with the current system? DO NOT try and say how you will solve it until you know what the problem is!
Analysis 2 – collecting information You can’t say too much about the problems, or about what the user requires, until you’ve done some finding out! So you must collect information…
Analysis 2 – collecting information You won’t get far if you make it up. If possible you should try to solve a real problem where you can ask real users. If that’s really impossible, try to get a teacher or another adult to pose as the user. They will have better ideas than your mates.
Analysis 2 – collecting information Collect information by means of questionnaires, or interviews, or observation. Write letters or s to accompany them or to make arrangements. Include copies and replies in the project. Get photographs if possible.
Analysis 2 – collecting information In your project, include a discussion of the methods you could have used to collect information. Give reasons why you chose to use your method.
Analysis 1 – the problem Now you’ve collected information, add some detail about the problems in the current system. Mention the current level of computer knowledge. If they already have a computer, will it do the job?
Analysis 1 – the problem What does your user require? This bit is VITAL! Make the requirements very clear. Make sure that you can test them – if not, you will lose marks later!
Analysis 1 – the problem For top marks here, point out bits of the problem which will need different software to solve them. But don’t add extra bits to the problem just to use extra software… …that’s a complex solution and you won’t get the mark for that.
Analysis 3 – inputs, processing, outputs Still thinking about the current system, what are the inputs? What are the outputs? What processing has to take place to get from input to output?
Analysis 3 – inputs, processing, outputs Now think of some scenarios that might happen. Describe them in terms of the inputs, processing and outputs that are needed.
Analysis 3 – inputs, processing, outputs Until now, we haven't even thought about hardware and software. Make an outline list of the type of hardware and software that could do the job. DO NOT mention any brand names or specific sizes or speeds yet – leave that for the design section. Now make a similar list of alternative hardware and software that could do the job. Mention the advantages of your first choice over the alternatives.
Analysis Complete… That’s it! You’ve done the Analysis section. Don’t forget about it – you will need to refer back to it later.