Canadian Hydrogen Update IEA HIA Annex 30 Jülich, Germany Cheri-Ann Olsen September 16, 2010
2 Outline Overview of Canada’s hydrogen resources and utilization as well as system analysis Production Distribution Utilization Current Industry Recent activities Research and Development Demonstration and Deployment
3 Hydrogen Production Canada safely produces over 3 million tonnes of hydrogen per year Majority is through steam methane reforming Large amount of waste or by-product hydrogen is captured and liquefied Electrolysis is used for industrial and small scale production Primary production is in Alberta, Ontario and Quebec
4 Hydrogen Distribution Canada has two hydrogen pipelines located in Alberta and Ontario near petroleum product processing Alberta: Large-scale industrial on-site hydrogen production and by-product hydrogen is transported by pipeline. Quebec: By-product hydrogen, SMR, and electrolysis is liquefied and transported by truck across Canada and to the US. A new liquefier is being built in BC to utilize a local by-product source of hydrogen.
5 Hydrogen Utilization Oil sands upgrading utilizes the majority of hydrogen produced in Canada. Additional pipelines and plants were planned but have been put on hold due to the economic crisis Hydrogen is expensive in British Columbia due to demand and transport from Quebec Large amount of research, development and demonstration including the World’s largest hydrogen fuelling station
6 Hydrogen Industry in Canada Industry has changed significantly over the past two years due to amalgamation and the economic crisis Companies such as Ballard (FCs), AFCC (FCs), Dynetek (storage), Hydrogenics (production and FCs), Angstrom (micro-FCs) and New Flyer (FC bus mfg) New companies such as Next Hydrogen (production) and SeeWind (FC integrator)
7 Recent Activities Research and Development H2Can:Collaboration of industry, academia and government $5M/5 years leveraged with partners Strategic research network 3 themes – Production and purification; storage; and infrastructure and safety Program on Energy R&D $2M/year leveraged with industry Defence R&D Canada
8 Recent Activities Research and Development Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières – Hydrogen Research Institute US DOE H2 Storage Systems Engineering Centre Activities involve systems modeling and analysis Canadian Hydrogen Safety Program Modeling of indoor hydrogen applications
9 Recent Activities Demonstrations & Deployments Developing exit strategies for the Hydrogen Highway, Hydrogen Village and Vancouver Fuel Cell Vehicle Program Canadian Hydrogen Airports Project 350/700 bar stations in Vancouver and Montreal – installed vehicle and stationary applications – deployment underway Saskatchewan Vehicle and Infrastructure Project Station and vehicles – operational, data collection underway
10 Recent Activities Demonstrations & Deployments BC Transit fuel cell buses and hydrogen fuelling station continue to operate New liquefier will support the bus station in Whistler SeeWind back up power system installed to support the NRCan hydrogen research labs PEI wind hydrogen project continues to operate to refine the control system and evaluate the electrolyser as well as using hydrogen in a diesel genset for Northern and remote applications
11 Thank you! For more information: Cheri-Ann Olsen P.Eng., MBA Senior Project Advisor Hydrogen, Fuel Cells and Transportation Energy CanmetENERGY 580 Booth Street, 13A4 Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E4 Phone: (613)