The Sea Around Us: Seeing our past, present and future through data in space and time Impacts of fisheries on the world’s marine ecosystems


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Presentation transcript:

The Sea Around Us: Seeing our past, present and future through data in space and time Impacts of fisheries on the world’s marine ecosystems Dirk Zeller Wolfram data summit 2011 Washington DC, September, 2011

Everything you always wanted to know (or not) about fish & fisheries Dirk Zeller Wolfram data summit 2011 Washington DC, September, 2011

The true precursor to FishBase: Scientific card index box on fish biology and population dynamics, initiated in early Grew in leaps and bounds: DVD-based…

FishBase went online in October 1998

FishBase search page in 2011 FishBase in 2011

Also, we learnt that fish taxonomy (identification) remains a problem Sorting out valid names and correct spellings remains a major headache; Sorting out valid names and correct spellings remains a major headache; The number of species keeps increasing ( new fish species per year); The number of species keeps increasing ( new fish species per year); Names keep changing (1% per year); Names keep changing (1% per year); Knowledge about fishes increases exponentially. Knowledge about fishes increases exponentially.

Therefore, ENCODING is important and never- ending… core FishBase Encoder Team …

The success of FishBase is clearly illustrated by our website, which receives monthly: million hits million hits Over ½ million unique visitors Over ½ million unique visitors Hits come from: Hits come from: All continents All continents A variety of users: A variety of users: Individuals Individuals Universities Universities Museums Museums Research Institutes Research Institutes School children School children NGOs NGOs

What do our ½ million visitors per month want? June – August 2009

Correlates with general internet usage

Success with FishBase… what about non-fish marine life? SeaLifeBase

SeaLifeBase in 2011 … deep-linked to FishBase ~118,000 species, incl. fish Not as data deep (yet)

FishBase & SeaLifeBase widened the scope of fisheries science and provided the opportunity for global studies, beyond narrow, single fishery focus of traditional fisheries scientists Ecosystem- and global-scale effects of fishing…

Sea Around Us Project Named after Rachel Carson’s book Named after Rachel Carson’s book Initiated in 1999 Initiated in 1999 Assess, document and communicate the impact of fisheries on the world’s marine ecosystems Assess, document and communicate the impact of fisheries on the world’s marine ecosystems Why? Fishing is single most important impact factor on global oceans Why? Fishing is single most important impact factor on global oceans Collaboration: Collaboration: The University of British Columbia, Vancouver The University of British Columbia, Vancouver The Pew Environment Group, Philadelphia The Pew Environment Group, Philadelphia

Sea Around Us Project Globally unique Developed large complex of inter-linked, global databases that allow inferences on the global oceans Developed large complex of inter-linked, global databases that allow inferences on the global oceans Combine fisheries with biology, economics, history and policy Combine fisheries with biology, economics, history and policy Work in ‘ecologically meaningful space’… Work in ‘ecologically meaningful space’…

Sea Around Us Project Global spatial grid Global spatial grid ½ x ½ degree cells ½ x ½ degree cells Use a rule-based procedure Use a rule-based procedure > 99.9% assignability > 99.9% assignability 180,000 1, fishing gears 180,000 1, fishing gears > 50 trillion data catch, fishing effort, economic value > 50 trillion data catch, fishing effort, economic value

Allows truly global analyses... Sea Around Us Project Allows truly global analyses...

Sea Around Us Project Climate change: Intensity of local extinctions by 2050

Sea Around Us Project Climate change: Change in catch potential by 2050

Sea Around Us Project

Sea Around Us Project

Sea Around Us Project

Sea Around Us Project

Sea Around Us Project For USA: $1.5 billion/year

Sea Around Us Project And much more, all allocated to the spatial entity chosen….. Future…

Sea Around Us Project Future: Strategic, long-term funding model Strategic, long-term funding model Consortium (FishBase)? Consortium (FishBase)? Multi-year partnerships? Multi-year partnerships? User-defined customization of data queries User-defined customization of data queries World Atlas of Fisheries (a book!) World Atlas of Fisheries (a book!)

Acknowledgements… Thanks to the Pew Charitable Trusts, Philadelphia; Thanks to the Pew Charitable Trusts, Philadelphia; Fisheries Centre, University of British Columbia; Fisheries Centre, University of British Columbia; Rainer Froese and FishBase; Rainer Froese and FishBase; Deng Palomares and SeaLifeBase; Deng Palomares and SeaLifeBase; Members of the Sea Around Us project; Members of the Sea Around Us project; and many others...