Consolidating the European Library Space Luxembourg November 1999
by Giovanna MEROLA Director, Central Institute for the Union Catalogue of Italian Libraries (ICCU) ITALY
1984 Schwencke resolution: European Library 1998 EU Parliament resolution : The role of libraries in the Information Society Giovanna Merola - ICCUConsolidating the European Library Space
Giovanna Merola - ICCU availability and accessibility of modern library services throughout the EU, taking into account exiting geographic discrepancies in library provision; a more rapid penetration of I&CT in libraries in a cost- effective way; the standardisation required for resource sharing among libraries; the harmonisation and convergence of national policies for libraries Libraries Programme in the 3 rd Framework Programme for Research and Development main objectives : Consolidating the European Library Space
Giovanna Merola - ICCU Libraries Programme Workplan Action line I.Computerised bibliographies Action line II.Library networking and interconnection of systems Action line III.Innovative Library Services Action line IV.Technology-based library products and tools Consolidating the European Library Space
Giovanna Merola - ICCU th Framework Programme - Telematics Applications Libraries Programme Workplan Action line A.Networked-oriented internal libraries systems Action line B.Telematics systems for library co-operation and networking Action line C. Library services for access to networking information resources Consolidating the European Library Space
World Wide Web Address World Wide Web Address Telematics for Libraries Telematics for Libraries Giovanna Merola - ICCUConsolidating the European Library Space
Giovanna Merola - ICCU Project results - Technologies and tools networking and interconnecting systems: interoperability between system (Z39.50, EDIFACT), document delivery networks bibliographic record formats and metadata: format conversion tools, character set and alphabet conversions, sharing authority and serials recodrs, etc. imaging or digitising the materials in libraries: development of user interfaces and tools to support the retrieval, browsing and selection of images; problem of applying the technologies to library materials Consolidating the European Library Space
OCR scanning: tools for converting library catalogues and optical character recognition innovative technologies: integration into library services of technologies not previously used in a library context access to and delivery of sound toolkits and user interfaces decision support, management information and performance measurement tools Project results - Technologies and tools Consolidating the European Library Space Giovanna Merola - ICCU
Project results - New services document access/delivery : models for document delivery services, new tools useful to DDS electronic publishing: distribution of copyrighted documents via document stores in libraries education and training distributed library services: distributed union catalogues, handling access and permissions to use materials and resources, delivery of the resources distributed digital collections and access to networked infromation resources Consolidating the European Library Space
Telematics for Libraries GENERAL RESULTS u5 Calls for Proposals u520 Proposals submitted, with 3023 participants u82 Shared costs R&D projects launched uOver 100 actions u624 Participants in actions u431 Individual organisations u23 Technical studies Budget Budget : 23 MECU : 30 MECU Giovanna Merola - ICCUConsolidating the European Library Space
Giovanna Merola - ICCU Consolidating the European Library Space The actors: the European Commission “Facing the tremendous challenge” stimulating the libraries sector managing the evaluation process guiding through peer reviews, workshops, concertation meetings, studies, etc. monitoring at project level and programme results level disseminating
Giovanna Merola - ICCU familiarity with new technologies cost effective use of technologies prototypes of new services international control and monitoring application of standards learning methodologies for project management The actors : the libraries Consolidating the European Library Space
Giovanna Merola - ICCU Consolidating the European Library Space The actors : the market making industries aware of libraries stimulating areas relevant to libraries creating competition bringing attention to the cost/benefits analysis
Giovanna Merola - ICCU The National Focal Points Consolidating the European Library Space encouraging co-operation between organisations supporting partnership search acting as a bridge to the Commission and the Telematics Management Committee ? Not sufficiently committed at national level
Achievement of main objectives Giovanna Merola - ICCU Consolidating the European Library Space availability and accessibility of modern library services throughout the EU, taking into account existing geographic discrepancies in library provision mobilisation of libraries and companies co-operation between northern and southern Europe involvement of Central and East European countries ? durable arrangements for partnerships and alliances
a more rapid penetration of I&CT in libraries in a cost-effective way the standardisation required for resource sharing among libraries new prototypes, new services valuable documentation methodologies and tools for I&CT evaluation ? transformation of prototypes into product maintenance wider application and usage Achievement of main objectives Giovanna Merola - ICCU Consolidating the European Library Space
the harmonisation and convergence of national policies for libraries new reflection over library services areas incentive to the assignment of new funds increased visibility of copyright management problem in libraries ? difficulties in the harmonisation difficulties in managing the impact on industries of library products Achievement of main objectives Giovanna Merola - ICCU Consolidating the European Library Space
The future of the European cultural industries and institutions is based on their ability to adapt rapidly and effectively to the changes originated by information and communication technologies and on their capacity to provide quality and diverse digital contents and services. The 5 th Framework Programme Integration, extension and convergence Giovanna Merola - ICCU Consolidating the European Library Space
Libraries Programme results as “granaries” for the future Libraries as the gate openers of the Information Society and the providers of cultural content and tools Giovanna Merola - ICCU Consolidating the European Library Space