IEEE Member & Geographic Activities Cecelia Jankowski Managing Director, Member and Geographic Activities Region 10 Meeting Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India February 2008
How Do You Say It? M – G – A MGA Board refers to the governing body MGA Department refers to the staff department in the HQ MGA refers to the team of volunteers and staff
RA to MGA Transformation Change of Focus RA Primary Focus Geographic Units Operation to Serve the Volunteer, Member, Students, Profession, Public MGA Primary Focus Help the member grow and develop for themselves, for the Institute and to serve the common good throughout their life cycle and their various roles. The Geographic Unit is one of the primary means to these ends.
MGA Vision Ensure Quality Member Opportunities for Continuous Engagement Mission I nspire, E nable, E mpower and E ngage Members of IEEE Guiding Principles The Member is integral to IEEE and inseparable from the IEEE operation Members shape IEEE's future. Members collaborate to create IEEE's future. IEEE enhances members' future.
Ensure Quality Member Opportunities Through Continuous Engagement I nspire, E nable, E mpower and E ngage Members of IEEE The member is IEEE and IEEE is the member. Members shape IEEE's future. Members collaborate to create IEEE's future. IEEE enhances members' future. Increase member engagement. Improve relationships with and between members. Increase operational efficiency and effectiveness. Enhance collaboration with other business units. Increase membership. Increase the value of IEEE membership. Utilize member life cycle concept. Provide a simple, consistent interface to members and prospective members. Track member involvement and development. Make the process of joining and maintaining membership simple and straightforward. Facilitate member collaboration. Become more transnational in look, feel and language. Strengthen the relevancy of IEEE membership to industry. Strategic Positioning Vision Mission Principles Goals Strategies Scope Member strategy: Research and data driven insight Strategic direction Benefits Pricing guidelines Products/service offerings Member development: Membership sales strategy, planning and execution management (recruiting, renewal, recovery) Affinity management Member lifecycle management Member operations: Call center/tech support Applications processing Member-specific product/service development and management: Community (MyIEEE, spam blocker/ alias, online member directory, Institute) Benefits (Financial Advantage) Knowledge (IEEETV, Potentials) Professional (Career services) Geo-unit management IEEE MGA Strategy & Scope
Focus on the Member - continuous engagement throughout the lifecycle Develop an IEEE-wide Member Strategy Member data acquisition, management and protection; relevant products/services and coordinated communications Geographic Unit Experience – efforts already initiated to engage Sections and Regions Engagement & relationship development for volunteer leaders Increase opportunities for new activities & programs Geographic Unit Operations Simplify operational requirements for volunteers Understand impact of government and legal requirements on OU and Geo Unit decisions and operations Need for closer integration of GeoUnit operations with IEEE organizational decisions; increasing overlaps of OU efforts world- wide Developing and acquiring skills Relationship development & management, project management, process management, business analysis and development, enhanced international experience, metrics/benchmarking IEEE MGA – Strategic Considerations
IEEE MGA Benefits 360º view of the member Member research and analysis expertise Member life cycle management Enhanced geographic unit partnerships Free-up resources to focus on core competencies Membership marketing material Enhance member value – grow the member Member segmentation across geographic boundaries and interests Customization of publication packages to specific member interests Ability to look at better packaging methods
RA to MGA Transformation Organizational Structure RA VP Regional Activities Treasurer, Past Chair 10 Region Directors 4 Vice Chairs Strategic Planning Region Section Chapter Activities Membership Activities Student Activities GOLD (nonvoting) Secretary (nonvoting) MGA VP MGA Treasurer, Past Chair 10 Region Directors 4 Vice Chairs Strategic Management & Analysis Geographic Unit Operations Member Development Information Management 2 Members appointed by TAB Secretary (nonvoting)
MGA Board Structure
2008 MGA Board 19 Voting Members
IEEE MGA - Volunteer Committee Structure
IEEE MGA - Staff Organization
IEEE MGA Volunteers and Staff Working Together MGA Board Develop policy (Board, Committees, Interfaces…) Perform governance and oversight with vision MGA Committees and Staff Partnership – Design, development, implementation Shared responsibility Policy (values and principles) driven Operational Activities (Volunteers and Staff)
IEEE MGA Transformation Timeline Time frame 2-4 years Review and assessment of progress Charter and Objectives linked to MGA Strategy Minimize bureaucracy thru cooperation, collaboration, cross functional objectives … Reinforce MGA Vision … member engagement and member life cycle grow the member where they live … work… volunteer … dream … play
Thank you very much for your volunteer efforts and your enthusiasm!!