Do Woodchucks Really Chuck Wood? 8) How Much wood can a woodchuck chuck chuck wood If A woodchuck Could Chuck Wood By, Blake Roettgen 8) 8) 8)
Woodchucks.vs. …
PREY!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE WOOD CHUCKS PREY IS … Mostly green but usually all plants. And almost every vegetable.
The woodchuck lives in mountain country and rocky slops and alpine meadows. Where it lives …
They are found in eastern Alaska eastward though Canada and into much of the East. Where they are found at
Are woodchucks real name woodchucks no there real name is marmots. but woodchucks and groundhog are there nickname The nick name
Yellow –bellied marmots and Hoary marmots. Yellow bellied mostly in Western states. Hoary marmots live further north from Washington northward into Alaska.
Brower marmot Olympic marmots ① Brower marmot live in northern Alaska ② Olympic marmots are only found in Washington's Olympic Moutons.
The Vancouver marmots 8) 8) The Vancouver marmot lives only on Vancouver Island, British Columbia.
Adaptation The marmots adaptions are … Big claws for digging there burrows Marmots that live in the north have thick fur and bushy tails.
There burrows The woodchucks burrows have two secret entrees and and a entrance hole and a bedroom and a nesting room.
The marmot lives in burrows. In the summer the marmot has a burrow in field close to food. And in the winter they make burrows under trees so while the are hibernating a predator wont get the for a snack. The way they get predators a way is making a high pitch sound like this.
What wood chucks sound like. A woodchuck sounds like this
If the marmot lived in Antarctica it would die because it would not have enough food or plants and it would die of coldness.
Good Bye Wood chucks do not chuck wood.