Welcome to the OCR Academy
Overview of Rules & Law Craig Weise Construction Reform Program Director
Brief History How we got here today – Previous attempts – Ohio Construction Reform Panel – Construction Reform Demonstration Projects HB 153 passed in June 2011
Multiple Prime A/E Owner CM Prime
General Contracting (GC) A/E Owner GC
Construction Manager at Risk (CMR) A/E Owner CMR
Design-Build (DB) A/E Owner DB
House Bill 153 Retained current project delivery methods – Multiple Prime – CM as Agent Allows alternative project delivery methods – General Contracting (single prime) – CM at Risk – Design-Build Adjusted certain thresholds
Administrative Rules General Information 8 Administrative Rules required by H.B. 153 – 7 Rules have been finalized and currently in effect – 5-year Inflation Adjustment Rule for the $200K competitive bidding threshold will be finalized later
Administrative Rules General Information Rules do not apply to ODOT horizontal construction, Ohio Turnpike Commission & governmental entities with “home rule” statute or separate authority
Administrative Rules Contract Form Rule (effective ) Applies to CMR and DB projects State of Ohio forms – Mandatory for state agencies/universities – Optional for all other public authorities
Administrative Rules Contract Form Rule (effective ) Industry standard forms – AIA, ConsensusDOCS, DBIA, EJCDC, CMAA – Must be modified to comply with state & local laws – Public authority may supplement form with project specific requirements
Administrative Rules Subcontract Form Rule (effective ) Applies to CMR, DB & GC (single prime) projects Mandatory for all public authority projects Contractor must use form for any subcontracts
Administrative Rules Subcontract Form Rule (effective ) Public Authority and Contractor may supplement form with project specific requirements In the event a conflicts exists between the subcontract form and any other part of the contract, the subcontract form provisions prevail
Administrative Rules Surety Bonding Rule (effective ) Applies to CMR and DB projects Contractor to provide separate performance & payment bonds prior to execution of contract equal to 100% of the contract sum
Administrative Rules Surety Bonding Rule (effective ) If contract sum increases at any time, the penal sum of the bonds are to be increased the same If at any time prior to final payment the surety fails, the CMR/DB is to replace bonds within 21 days
Administrative Rules Best Value Selection Rule (effective ) Applies to CMR and DB projects “Best Value” is a two-step selection process – Step 1: RFQ Phase – Step 2: RFP Phase
Administrative Rules Prequalification of Subcontractors Rule (effective ) Applies to CMR and DB projects Establishes framework for criteria in evaluating prospective bidders on subcontracts
Administrative Rules Prequalification of Subcontractors Rule (effective ) Similar to factors, but pre-bid Public authority may require additional criteria Same criteria used for evaluating self- performed work if approved by public authority
Administrative Rules Electronic Advertising Rule (effective ) Applies to CM and CMR projects Supplement newspaper advertisement requirements
Administrative Rules Electronic Advertising Rule (effective ) Public authority may electronically advertise: – Newspaper websites – State public notification website – Public authority’s own official website – Trade association websites
Administrative Rules Electronic Advertising Rule (effective ) Content may indicate where to find full description
Administrative Rules Electronic Bidding Rule (effective ) Applies to multi-prime & GC (single prime) projects Optional for state agencies/universities May require registration or subscription w/fee – State may waive fees for certified EDGE vendors
Administrative Rules Electronic Bidding Rule (cont’d) Notice of electronic bidding in advertisement Electronic copy of bid guarantee will be included Publish electronic bid tabs after bid opening
HB 153 Provisions Other Construction Reform related changes Increased competitive bidding thresholds for small projects to $200K Threshold based on total project cost ( B)
HB 153 Provisions Other Construction Reform changes (cont’d) Threshold based on total project cost (153.55B) “Letterhead bidding” based on process established by each public authority Threshold not increased for every public authority
Overview of Rules & Law Questions: Craig Weise, AIA, CCM, PMP, LEED AP Construction Reform Program Director
Selection of Project Delivery Method Panel Jeff Appelbaum/Steve Zannoni Project Management Consultants Thompson Hine LLP Ken Fisher Taft, Stettinius & Hollister LLP
Project Delivery Selection Describe the process you follow when assisting owners (clients) in selecting a project delivery method.
Project Delivery Selection What factors are considered in the decision making process and why are they important?
Project Delivery Selection Share a recent example and what led that owner to select a particular delivery method for their specific project.
Project Delivery Selection What is the biggest challenge for public owners when making this decision?