© GEO Secretariat Task Point of Contact: a volunteer from among the Leads, who will provide a single point of communication for all those involved in the task, and provide liaison with the Secretariat and the relevant GEO Committee. GEO 2006 Work Plan implementation the basic tools Task Sheet:the tool to report on status and progress, the detailed description of the task. Roster:the contact details of all Leads and Contributors. Matrix:the overview of all Tasks Discussion Lists: means to facilitate discussion between those involved in a task
© GEO Secretariat GEO 2006 Work Plan implementation information flow 1.The Task Point of Contact gathers the contributions made by the Leads and Contributors, and updates the Task Sheet according to the Guidance document. 2.On a monthly basis, the Task Point of Contact may submit an updated Task Sheets to (Quarterly updates are 3.On a case by case basis, the Task Point of Contact may submit contact details updates to which the Secretariat will process 4.Once a month, the Secretariat posts an updated Matrix, Roster, and set of Task Sheets on ftp://ftp.wmo.int/Projects/GEO/TaskSheets/ and notifies the GEO Community. Task Point of Contact Task Leads & Contributors Committees Secretariat Community
© GEO Secretariat Guidance for Updating GEO 2006 Work Plan Task Sheets The Task Sheet is the tool to report on the status and progress of the Task. As the Task Point Of Contact, you are responsible to look after the information relevant to the Task. Changes to this information are the result of collaboration with the Leads in consultation with the Contributors. Based on your feedback the GEO Secretariat will consolidate all Task Sheets at regular intervals, and as such we will be working together. To improve this cooperation we kindly request you take notice of the following guidelines. General: For the sake of simplicity the Task Sheets are standardised. We recommend to avoid changing the layout of the Task Sheet. If you feel a new section (or column in case of the tabled information) needs to be added, please direct your request to the GEO Secretariat. For the "Financial Contributions (from GEO Operations Budget)" Section: Changes to this information will be made by the GEO Secretariat. For the "Actual Project Costs" Section: This Section is intended to report on the actual, consolidated cost of the task. It should contain an estimate of the contributions made to date to this task such as manpower, materials, travel costs, etc. For the "Current Status Section": This Section is intended to report on status and progress of the Task since the last official issue of the Task Sheets. Please start this section with the date (dd.mm.yy) at which the report was made. For the "Coordination with other Tasks or other Committees" Section: This Section is intended to report on any other Tasks (please specify by Task Number) or Committees you are or believe you should be coordinating with. Please be clear on whether this coordination is already in place or is being considered. For the "Roster": This Excel ® spreadsheet contains the contact information of all the persons involved in all the tasks of the 2006 Work Plan. The Task Points Of Contact are responsible for the verification of the contact information of the persons involved in their tasks. The GEO Secretariat maintains the Roster. TypeThis cell specifies the role the person plays in the task. Persons representing a Lead Organisation are specified as "2-Lead" or, if they are the Task Point of Contact, as "1-Lead-POC". Persons representing a Contributing Organisation are specified as "3- Contr.Org". Persons representing a User Organisation are specified as "4-User Org". For ADC tasks, the ADC Sherpa is specified as "0-ADC-Sherpa". RepresentingThis cell should contain the name of the Government or Organisation the person represents (typically a GEO Member of Participating Organisation). If a person represents more than one Organisation, please enter the information separated by "/" (for example: ABC/XYZ). OrganisationThis cell should contain the name of the Organisation the person works for. One could represent a Government and work for a National Met Office or represent International Organisation and work for Space Agency. NameThis cell should contain the First Name and Last Name of the person in that order. This cell should contain the Address of the person. RemarksThis cell may contain any relevant remarks regarding the person that you wish to share with the GEO Community. Please note that at this time we do not collect any additional information such as Mailing Address, Title, Phone or Fax Numbers, etc. Use one row per person. Do not group the names or addresses of several people in one cell. Do not add or delete columns. Do not merge cells. GEO 2006 Work Plan implementation Guidance document